^^^wants to make me a mod?
^^^Has subtly informed me that my unacceptable behavior is no longer tolerated at CC^^^^ needs to check his private messages..
^^States the obvious^^^^^apparently has unacceptable behavior....linkies?
^^^Has subtly informed me that my unacceptable behavior is no longer tolerated at CC
^^ likes my flag pole tongue!^^States the obvious^^
^^Shhhhh just told my secret ^^
^^ likes my flag pole tongue!
^^^Enjoys internet sex^^Shhhhh just told my secret ^^
^^Should know I was totally joking about my post!!!^^^^ enjoys real sex
^^Is easily confused ^^^^^^ confuses me as i have no idea what post she is referring to. leads me to the same conclusion as Ron, she has a dirty mind...
^^May be in luck if I get this new job and buy the new vehicle that I want...^^really should consider giving me the wheels on the car in his sig
^^Should probably convince hardcore to stop doing that.^^^Was able to lick his own head wounds inflicted from his drunken river dive.