Zombie Survival Sheet


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What happens if there is a slight current that carries your floating island towards land??? I would MUCH rather be on my own two feet on dry land when the SHTF.

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Location - middle of nowhere. If theres no one around, there are no zombies either.

Stronghold - Walmart. It has Everything already. lol.

Vehicle - Most badass s10 i've ever seen. I had an s10 once and loved it. Besides, gotta run over zombies in style.

Hat - a7x beenie. Gotta keep my head warm

Chest - A tac vest with plenty of room for extra mags and my sidearms.

Hands - Mjolnir gloves. If master Chief has them i want them too.

Feet- Osiris Shoes. Comfy as hell, and they look badass.

Legs- Jeans. No point in livin if you aren't at least comfortable

Primary wep - G36c w/ silencer. A rifle for distance shots, yet silenced so not everything knows where i am.

Secondary - two g18s.. they make clearing buildings easy, and their large magazine size means less reloading.

Melee- Chainsaw. Good for rippin zombies apart, but at the same time can be used as a tool.

Spray - red because red is dope

Sidekick - Jack Daniels. =)

-cannabis to keep me calm, and to help relieve the stress of living
-Bullets. Don't really need an explaination
-Full Throttle to keep me goin.
-Lighters - When will they ever not be useful?
-Flashlight - For when i have to move at night
-Tac knife - for when a chainsaw is just too big

Battle Theme- Two Weeks by All that Remains. Because its Badass.
Last words- "Who f**kin Farted?" just to confuse all of the zombies that swarmed me.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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I like that.

I'd honestly switch the tac knife and the chainsaw, sometimes, silence is the best weapon ;)


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lmfao great f**king call on walmart


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Yea and honestly, a chainsaw is pretty bulky to carry around along with all that gear and a rifle. I have considered going to my work, Lowes, when the zombies hit. We have steel racking there and it can be used to make a pretty decent barricade.

Edit: but walmart is a great idea. I would still go to Lowes though. Steel barricades FTW!!! And because we have a walmart right next to us :lol:


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What happens if there is a slight current that carries your floating island towards land??? I would MUCH rather be on my own two feet on dry land when the SHTF.
well sir all house boats have a anchor, it will stay in one place once it is down

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Anchor shmanchor. I've heard of people losing their anchors or breaking them.


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yeah i thought the chainsaw might be a little bulky, but it has many many uses. i think a tac knife would be too close quarters for my liking. If i had to resort to my chainsaw that would mean alot of them know where i am anyway. Lowes isn't a bad idea, but you dont have nearly the amount of food and other supplies that I have access to. s**t i even have medicine. I would have the ability to barter with any survivors for anything that i might need, not that i ever would. I liked the idea of the bite-proof stuff, but it was already stated, it would be heavy. And an island isn't a bad idea, except that you are totally alienated so other survivors couldn't find you which is good and bad. Sorry for the ridiculously detailed post.


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:bluelol: :rotflmfao:

I still stick to staying on my own two feet and on dry land. If all else fails, run like hell. You can do that. What if your boat starts to sink? What if the zombies do learn how to swim? You would have a better chance of getting away if you are on dry land than in the middle of a lake. Plus if your boat starts to sink, you are going to swim to shore with 50 pounds of gear, and 3 firearms? Hell no.


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Who cares if its ridiculously detailed? Its a discussion to help us figure out what to do when the zombies actually do attack :lol: Like I said, walmart is next to us. Plus I know the layout of the store, which is an advantage to me. Oh and we have forklifts there for running over zombies. And I would have an endless supply of CHAINSAWS and axes and such. Plus my Lowes is a relief center in case of a natural emergency, so Im pretty sure the infrastructure is pretty sturdy.


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LOCATION, VEHICLE AND STRONGHOLD- would be a aircraft carrier. its basically a floating city and airport. and i would use the aircraft for my disposal. i could always fly back to resupply and has a medical facility. missiles, radar, comm center etc.

WEAPONS- an M60 machine gun and m5 pistol for my secondary. melee would be a machete.

CLOTHING- steel toe boots, gunners vest (ammo pouches, misc. pockets all over), cargo pants more pockets for more stuff incase i come across with.

INVENTORY- binoculars, flare, ammo, nvg, water

PLAN OF ACTION- look for some survivors and start from there

SIDEKICK anyone that knows how to cook

BATTLE THEME-korn-trash



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You guys are all forgetting the most important part! Whats the point in living if you're going to be uncomfortable and sad? Cargo pants aren't going to save you. Go the comfy route and just wear jeans. All that s**t in your side pockets is going to slow you down like crazy anyway. Trust me, I know. I've stopped carrying s**t in my side pockets playing paintball because of how much it slows me down. And Fyi if you're on an aircraft carrier, you're gonna have to kill super zombies on it. I mean everyone on it will be in shape and covered in muscle. When you shoot them they are just gonna keep on coming. Have fun with that. : )

Mr. Jollypants

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yeah i thought the chainsaw might be a little bulky, but it has many many uses. i think a tac knife would be too close quarters for my liking. If i had to resort to my chainsaw that would mean alot of them know where i am anyway. Lowes isn't a bad idea, but you dont have nearly the amount of food and other supplies that I have access to. s**t i even have medicine. I would have the ability to barter with any survivors for anything that i might need, not that i ever would. I liked the idea of the bite-proof stuff, but it was already stated, it would be heavy. And an island isn't a bad idea, except that you are totally alienated so other survivors couldn't find you which is good and bad. Sorry for the ridiculously detailed post.
I wouldn't be totally alienated from survivors, there'd be a few left on the island, and I've be traveling to the other Hawaii islands for supplies so there'd be some there as well.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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You guys are all forgetting the most important part! Whats the point in living if you're going to be uncomfortable and sad? Cargo pants aren't going to save you. Go the comfy route and just wear jeans. All that s**t in your side pockets is going to slow you down like crazy anyway. Trust me, I know. I've stopped carrying s**t in my side pockets playing paintball because of how much it slows me down. And Fyi if you're on an aircraft carrier, you're gonna have to kill super zombies on it. I mean everyone on it will be in shape and covered in muscle. When you shoot them they are just gonna keep on coming. Have fun with that. : )
I'm not going to be running or sprinting, I'll be walking quickly, I'm not going to wear myself out half way through a day. So cargo pants will work fine when I'm traveling, when I've found my stronghold, sure, jeans will work fine around it, but as soon as I go back out, cargo pants will be back on.

Super zombies aren't a problem, head shot em.


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easier said then done. Especially when they are sprinting towards you. But The ability to sprint if you need to would be the reason i wouldn't use cargo pants. They make it impossible to sprint should you find yourself in a situation when you need to. I'd rather have the ability to sprint should i need to than be able to carry a few extra pounts of stuff.


I Tap JdmPrncss
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LOCATION, VEHICLE AND STRONGHOLD- 2000 EBP SI Boosted and flame throwers/machine guns in front/back. House would be the white house (cause we all know the son of a b***h has a secret elevator that goes down 1000 flight's)

WEAPONS- Desert eagle, 9 mm, 12 Gage

CLOTHING- Met's Fitted, White tee, Jeans, Nike Shocks, Tooth Pick to look focused.

INVENTORY- Everything cause im killing who ever decided to take my Walmart up there ;)

PLAN OF ACTION- Chill in walmart wit about 30 pounds of dro and a couple bad putas

SIDEKICK - No thank you, Blackberry please :lol: i'll take OC-Civic with me that bastard's got guns.

BATTLE THEME - Mastadon-Divinations

LAST WORDS- I'll Be Back!
