Zombie Survival Sheet

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Fine, I'll share, but I don't want no damn Sno-Balls.


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f**k you no you dont. I've wanted a twinkie for the past 7 months, since i saw zombieland the first time... i still haven't had one... if you don't have to shop for yourself its hard to justify going into a grocery store to buy twinkies..

Edit: Nevermind, delayed reaction. I'll sell the snowballs for hot pockets.


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You guys can all fight over the twinkies and sno-balls......but think I can come to walmart too?? I'll bring all the chainsaws and axes we will ever need.


I Tap JdmPrncss
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lmfao! i call dibs on the Diggionrno pizza


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This is turning into a sausage fest. where are all of the ladies? : (


I ♥ NYGraFFit :)
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location - where im at on the lake
strong hold - my house boat, because i can go out to the middle of the lake ,everyone knows zombies cant swim
vehicle- cigar boat
primary- ak47
backup- flame thrower
melee- loaded aluminum baseball bat
head clothing- motorcycle helment (matte camo)
chest/hand/legs-shark bite suit (so them bitchs cant bite my arms and chest
feet- army boots
inventory, gasoline, ammunition, 3 cases of dr pepers, chips, pop tarts(fat kid has to eat), 2 bic lighters, 2 flare guns and a propain tank
spray- neon green spray paint
sidekick - falcor (never ending story flying dog)
theme song -slip knot -wait and bleedlast words - SUCK IT b***h (lights the propane tank)
Sidenote: One of my FAV songs =)


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Since they are slow zombies, I think Im going to get rid of the 870 also to lighten my load. Less I need to carry around. Just keep the M4/AR15 on single shot and use the ammo relatively sparingly. Still have the Glock .40 as a backup.


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princess, don't take this the wrong way... but a girl who is into cars and likes good music? i'm a little turned on.


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Well like I said, it all depends on the circumstances. Since they are slow zombies, I can clear a house with a Glock .40, granted I have a couple extra clips loaded. So I would get rid of the helmet, still cargo pants and mil-spec boots. Lightweight BP vest. Fingerless gloves. M4/AR15 chambered for 5.56, Glock .40 strapped to my thigh, crow bar, a lot of extra ammo. Sidekick would still be my friend who has his own guns. We would probably hang out somewhere and just defend....seems like the safest option.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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I had a dream last night that I had Metallica blasting from my Zune, and I was taking zombies out left and right with my pistol, when I ran out of ammo in my clip, I took it out stuck a new one in and as I was doing this, a zombie was coming at me, so I used his forehead to load the clip and shot him in the head.
