Lost a lot of respect for law enforcement today


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So last night I was waiting to get into a bar, i was two people away from getting in then they said its at capacity and that no more people were allowed in for the night. No big deal I was already at a different bar prior and was ready to go home anyways. The guy in front of me start arguing with the door man about how it's his 21st birthday and all of his friends are inside waiting for him and so on and so forth. Then out of no where, birthday boy punches door man in the face grabs his shirt and starts mincing doorman's face. My first instinct was to help door man so i bear hugged the birthday boy and told him to calm down. Before I know it we are both wrestled to the floor by security and im held down til the cops arrive, the cops get there shove my face into the ground very hard and put some cuffs on me extremely tight. The door man explained the them what happened and they didnt care! said I am drunk in public and im going to jail! I asked for a breathalizer, or sobriety test, but nothing, they took me in:( my wrists seriously still hurt from the cuff and now i have a black eye and a scratch on my nose from when they shove my face into the ground. Keep in mind I was not resisting one bit, I was totally compliant, and even birthday boy and door man explained to them what happened and that I didnt do anything wrong! My brother walked upto the cop car I was in to ask me if I was ok, and then they cuffed him and through him in the car for public intoxication too! They kept me at the station for 2 hours then let me go with no violation at all, and I was left stranded to find a ride at 430am in downtown police station, not cool! moral of the night, f**k the doorman. Rant end


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Go cry a f**king river.

Mr. Jollypants

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This is why I mind my own business. Bars have security and door men for a reason.


D-Series Soldier
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Yeah you should've just watched...


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This is why I mind my own business. Bars have security and door men for a reason.

What a douche of a cop either way man...........

File a lawsuit and get some money out of them, lol. Everybody in this country does that, why not, f**k it.


D-Series Soldier
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What a douche of a cop either way man...........

File a lawsuit and get some money out of them, lol. Everybody in this country does that, why not, f**k it.
:word: Sad but true...


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You were seen engaged in a brawl outside a bar.....I dont see anything wrong here. They cant just take the bouncers word for it and let your ass go. They have to detain you until they can figure out what went down.

And as far as getting bruised up.......oh well. s**t happens. You will live. And there is absolutely no use trying to sue them like suggested. They just have to say that your cut and bruising came from the brawl you were involved in :what: Not trying to sound like a d**k. Just rise above it, be the bigger man and let it go. Next time just step back and video tape the fight.


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That same thing just happened to a group of my buddies. Its just best that when someone at a bar gets into a fight or scuffle dont get involved! Becuase the cops dont have time to deal with whos drunk or not and hear abunch drunks/non drunks tell them there drunk or not drunk and they didnt do s**t. One thing ive learned is cops dont f**k around at bars, and i respect that. So just be cool with cops and pray they never say "pop your hood"


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I'm not going to be like the rest of guys in here and say "you should have minded your own business." I think what you did was noble, and you have more balls and compassion than most of the people in this world. Good s**t man.

However, don't lose respect for law enforcement in general. Lose respect for the d**k cop(s) that you dealt with that night. Not all cops are created equally.


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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What a douche of a cop either way man...........

File a lawsuit and get some money out of them, lol. Everybody in this country does that, why not, f**k it.
Nice reaction, lets sue. That's why this country is so f**king bullshit, everybody sues over EVERYTHING.


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I think you did the right thing.. the ONLY thing i will add for consideration is this... cops show up to fights with drunk people ALL the time.. they don't know you VS the rest of the drunk idiots out there.. WHAT the cop did in regards to cuffing you is standard fair.. he shows up.. sees a scuffle and secures the people involved.. again.. standard.. and if anything for the protection of the cops.. IF the doorman DID in fact explain you were helping THAT is what I see as BULLSHIT.. there was NO reason to take you in.. drunk in public? OBVIOUSLY you are bar hopping.. lol drunk in public is normally reserved for people causing issue.. the ONLY thing i can think of is was this in an area known for trouble? the CITY may have a zero tolerance stance when it comes to physical altercations in that area... like to take people off the streets who are involved in ANY kind of physical confrontation.... I was involved in a similar situation and the cops were actually cool to me.. so I guess it all depends on the situation.. area... and cops involved... don't let one bad experience change who you are... stepping up and getting involved IS the right thing to do when you see something like that.. may not always go well.. but you still did the right thing!


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File a lawsuit and get some money out of them, lol. Everybody in this country does that, why not, f**k it.
he can't sue... MOST if not EVERY town in the united states has SOME law on the books allowing them to at least arrest and detain ANYONE involved in a physical altercation.. the SECOND you TOUCH someone else.. you may potentially get arrested.. maybe not CHARGED but arrested.. what the cop did is actually pretty standard.. like i said in my other post.. having to go downtown was bullshit.. but the rest.. pretty standard...

Mr. Jollypants

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he can't sue... MOST if not EVERY town in the united states has SOME law on the books allowing them to at least arrest and detain ANYONE involved in a physical altercation.. the SECOND you TOUCH someone else.. you may potentially get arrested.. maybe not CHARGED but arrested.. what the cop did is actually pretty standard.. like i said in my other post.. having to go downtown was bullshit.. but the rest.. pretty standard...
Even then, the police can detain you until you're drunkenness wears off.

Any kind of assault where you have alcohol involved, expect to be detained.


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I guess my post sounded kind of dickish. It was late, tired as s**t. Sorry.

I totally agree with what Joe said, I think what you did was AWESOME trying to help out a total stranger. But again, you were involved in a brawl outside of a bar. Its going to happen. Thats why I said rise above it. Know that at least you did what was morally right, and just shrug it off. Just remember that in exchange for a scrape and a bruise, you helped prevent something that could have possibly turned really ugly.


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At first, I thought "f**k cops" too. But then I thought about it, and I agree with OC. Cops aren't going to sit there and decide whether or not you're drunk and that they should treat you without force and kindly ask you to get in the cop car, or just assume you're hammered and force you to the ground and basically treat you like s**t. I'm sure cops get those calls all the time. I know for damn sure cops at SUNY Albany did when I was there. There was an ambulance and cops there literally every weekend.

It sucks that they treated you like s**t. But like Joe said, don't lose respect for cops, just the d**k cops. I've been pulled over several times now and I've had the nicest cops and d**k cops. But again, they're just doing their job and can only assume the worst when they see certain scenarios.

One time I got pulled over for no rear license plate in the holder (thats a pretty much insta and easy ticket), it was in my rear window since the bolts broke off inside and I couldn't put it back on. I told him, "yeah if you look at the back of my car, you'll see the bolts broke off inside and I can't put it back on. He looks and goes, "oh yeah. that makes sense". He just shrugged and said, "in NYS, you're supposed to have it on the car. and you said you were getting it fixed today (which I was) so I'll let you off". He was the nicest guy ever. But at the same time, one time, my ex and I broke up and we decided to talk about it and we did in my car in a parking lot since we had no where else to go at 1am. Well we were in the back of my car and had been arguing and she had been crying. Cop shows up, asks her to get out so I get out, he puts his hand on his gun, points at me, and very sternly says to get back in the car and wait. That kinda scared me. But he was only doing his job. He assumed I was beating her or assaulting her by noticing she was crying and that all all the windows of the car were fogged up. :what:.


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I'm not going to be like the rest of guys in here and say "you should have minded your own business." I think what you did was noble, and you have more balls and compassion than most of the people in this world. Good s**t man.

However, don't lose respect for law enforcement in general. Lose respect for the d**k cop(s) that you dealt with that night. Not all cops are created equally.
I guess my post sounded kind of dickish. It was late, tired as s**t. Sorry.

I totally agree with what Joe said, I think what you did was AWESOME trying to help out a total stranger. But again, you were involved in a brawl outside of a bar. Its going to happen. Thats why I said rise above it. Know that at least you did what was morally right, and just shrug it off. Just remember that in exchange for a scrape and a bruise, you helped prevent something that could have possibly turned really ugly.

Though, it does suck, that you tried to help and got screwed. This is the reason people say mind your own business. Like someone said earlier.. its the sad truth.


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your just finding out cops are assholes lol welcome to the club.consider yourself lucky that you weren't charged with anything.


Reinvent Your Shell!
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I was drunk Friday night... I can't say I recall anything between 1:30am and 5am.

Back to the convo... FUK TEH POLICE! :lol:


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Thank you to the people that actually put half a thought into a response and not just say go cry a river(f**k you). Yeah pacific beach is notorious for street brawls and bar fights. Dont get me wrong, I think that 70% of the people on the streets down there are piss drunk by 130am, and cops have no tolerance for s**t they see on a day to day basis but seriously, the door man walked upto the cop holding me down with his face all bloody and explained to him what happened, even the guy that beat up door man was in cuff next to me saying "let him go, he didn't do s**t". Not one point in time did I come across as belligerent, or incoherent should have been like have your DD pick you up, and go home/end of story. Oh well, I'm sure I deserved it for something else I did.
