Lost a lot of respect for law enforcement today

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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your just finding out cops are assholes lol welcome to the club.consider yourself lucky that you weren't charged with anything.
Besides one cop, every other cop I've ran into has been respectful. It has to do with how YOU come off.

If YOU come off as aggressive or confrontational (It can be body language as well), this is when they will go into a*****e mode, because they have to to protect their lives.


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Besides one cop, every other cop I've ran into has been respectful. It has to do with how YOU come off.

If YOU come off as aggressive or confrontational (It can be body language as well), this is when they will go into a*****e mode, because they have to to protect their lives.
I totally have to agree with this statement. I have had several......probably about 8 personal encounters with police officers. Speeding ticket. My mother called the cops on me twice. Had the cops arrive at my house due to a report of a car driving recklessly and my car fit the description. Cops called for various other reasons. All have also been different officers. I have the utmost respect for police officers, and I treat them as such. I have also not had one encounter with a police officer where I feel as if I was treated unfairly.

Police officers have such a demanding and strenuous job, I really wish people would start respecting that and treating them like that. Police officers are NOT a burden, even if they are slowing down your day. They are there to protect you. They should be treated likewise. But unfortunately all it takes is one person to b***h and moan and blow the story WAY out of proportion, and then 10 more people have that engraved in their heads......"ALL cops are dicks." Its really a shame.

That comment is not directed at the OP. It sucks that you were bruised........but at the end of the day it could have been MUCH worse....and they were only doing their job.


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well aren't you lucky were im from about 90% of the cops are pieces of s**t corrupted pigs.


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You has proof?


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proof lol ok i will give you an example a good friend of mine lived with his detective uncle who would frequently bring home hookers and had a thing for putting powder up his nose. you want more pick up a connecticut newspaper.or getting your face smashed into a brick wall while your handcuffed for not talking.i can go on for days.


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Well proof would mean that you post links to articles proving it. Not that I dont believe you, but I would like to see articles.


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What a douche of a cop either way man...........

File a lawsuit and get some money out of them, lol. Everybody in this country does that, why not, f**k it.
Yea, try this. You little ass lawyer against their big dog lawyers will work out great. They have money and time to be in court, you do not. Don't be stupid.
