Hey I'm Christina


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Welcome to CC!
Not usual you see a girl do this kinda of stuff ;P
i like the chalkboard idea, and im looking forward to seeing how your civ comes along


New Member
looks like s**t...buh props on doing work yurself


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welcome and good work!


New Member
welcome nice work. def don't see a girl who does her own work everyday.
did you do the headliner yourself? if so can you direct me to a DIY or give me some pointers/tips?

my headliner has the droops
Yeah, I did it myself with a little help from my brother and another friend. We took the old headliner off because it was in terrible shape and peeled off the top layer of the cardboard instead of trying to scrape off all the foam crap. We used a mid-strength 3m spray glue and sprayed it on the fabric and the headliner in small sections. Let each section dry for a few seconds before you stick it on so that it's tacky and not just wet. Then stick it on starting at the middle and working out towards the sides. It's helpful to have someone to hold the sides of the fabric up while you work it down. If you get wrinkles you can use a heat gun to work them out. That's all we did and it's worked pretty well. Good luck!


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It's amazing how many more people post in a thread started by a girl. Not to mention a good looking girl. :rolf:

:welcome:. Car is coming along good!


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Leaving the chalkboard paint is cool if you let some of your buddies do some more chalk drawings on there once a month. It will be a moving art piece. Have them draw some neat designs, but not to over due it. Its cheaper than getting it painted. Save your money and buy a better suspension to drop that sucker. For the inside of the bay, the exhaust manifold is ugly as hell. either place the cover back, and paint it black with more flower doodles or get yourself some headers and expose that. As, mention above clean your engine bay.

Keep in mind, the words of one of my favorite architects, Mies van der Rohe, "Less is More."
You dont have to spend alot of money to make it look nice, just do as little as possible, but do it as CLEAN as possible.


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so you went to Scrapin The Coast huh, i am oscar i am from fresno california and just like you i just hit mini truck shows because yeah i love mini trucks but for some way i got stuk on ma honda lol but its close to been baggit and its going to lay rockers YES I AM GOING TO CUT THE HELL OUT OF IT but n-e ways
here is my car you can get some ideas out of it senz its a 4 door too (TRANSFORMER)

if you have a myspace hit me up i got more pictures of it, www.myspace.com/honduhsickvic

you have a nice ride by the way


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so you went to Scrapin The Coast huh, i am oscar i am from fresno california and just like you i just hit mini truck shows because yeah i love mini trucks but for some way i got stuk on ma honda lol but its close to been baggit and its going to lay rockers YES I AM GOING TO CUT THE HELL OUT OF IT but n-e ways
here is my car you can get some ideas out of it senz its a 4 door too (TRANSFORMER)

if you have a myspace hit me up i got more pictures of it, www.myspace.com/honduhsickvic

you have a nice ride by the way
For show, I can understand this would definitely be a head turner... But for anything else, all I can do is shake my head.


Stickin it to the Man
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just noticed this was in the wrong section. moved to members rides


68% right 100% of th time
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I'm liking the Civic! I'm starting my new job around Jackson, so we should do a four door photo shoot!


1997 Civic DX (EJ6)
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Yeah... well... Guys look better when they're not douche bags.

To BMW comment's OP: PIED. Lol. :P

Seriously though, welcome to the forums, Christina! Interesting car you've got there. Definitely unique, and it's awesome to see that you do your own work. Looking forward to see where your car goes from here. Good luck with it and have fun! =)
