CC Beer Thread


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Bell's makes a real good IPA as well.
yeah.... everyone knows I'm not really into drinking but I fell in love with Bell's Oberon this past summer. I f**king love it!

Genuine Rolla

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Oh word! I know of Bells, that's awesome!

I got bored yesterday afternoon so I went out for a beer hunt. Been hearing about this place up in Millbury, MA from friends and family, so I had to go check it out myself.

Frickin huge!

The location used to be a linen's and things..not it's a large wine and beer place. It's phenomenal!

I picked up a sixer of Gritty McDuff's Christmas Ale:

and Full Sail's Wassail Ale:

I tried Gritty's last night, and it was pretty good. Had a bisquit like maltyness, which turned sweet that finished with a slight hop bite, tasted maybe a hint of apples from the sweetness. Very nice, smooth ESB.

I'm going to try Wassail tonight!


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I picked up a 6 of Magic Hat's Howl Winter Seasonal today.

Very dark in color (almost black), earthy/smokey taste. It's very different from any other beer I've tried. I can't decide if I like it yet. It will either grow on me as I go through the six, or I'll get incredibly sick of it. The flavor definitely develops from the moment it touches your tongue through the aftertaste and I really enjoy it during some points, but others I'm not too fond of. Interesting, complex flavor nonetheless.


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End of the semester has finally arrived.. and to celebrate, I'm enjoying a St. Louis Framboise Lambic.. mmm


Genuine Rolla

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Well, I went on a beer hunt the other night and I was able to pick up some Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout:

Which was very delicious, even more so for a 10% Abv. beer. The alcohol was hardly, and I mean, hardly noticable. If I didn't know it was a 10, I would've thought it was around a 6 or 7.

Then, I was able to get my hands on a bottle of Dogfish Head's Bitches Brew:

Which is an unbelievable Russian Imperial Stout...holy cow...I'm an IPA man myself, and this beer I feel in love with. Very drinkable, smooth, creamy, lots of roasted dark malts, coffee...just what a stout should be.

My buddy also scored us a 4 pack of New England Brewing's Ghandhi-Bot - which is a Double IPA...the nose and taste of this beer is completely out of this world:



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OB forgien beer ive ever had. its a korean beer and it has a shot of korean whiskey in it. f**ks u up REAL good and REALLY fast.


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Damn, I really want to try Bitches Brew after watching the Brewmasters episode on it. I'll need to see if I can find it somewhere.

Genuine Rolla

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Damn, I really want to try Bitches Brew after watching the Brewmasters episode on it. I'll need to see if I can find it somewhere.
wait till you have it man, such a quality brew. I didn't know what to expect, but it was delicious.

After "work" today I'ma gonna pick up some more brooklyn black chocolate stout and I think some more Sierra Nevada Celebration, unless I can find some other christmas beers I need to stock up on. My mini-fridge suppy is beginning to get low.


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So I went shopping for seasonal beers today.... My collection:

Can't wait to try a lot of these. I've already tried the Sam Adams Wnter Lager, The Magic Hat Howl, and the Sierra Nevada Celebration. The big one in the back is actually a winter wine, you drink it warm.... really good on a cold night actually.

I actually found a beer gold mine today. There's a store near me that is about the size of a neighborhood walmart and is fully dedicated to beer, wine, and spirits. There were several hundred varieties of beer.

Genuine Rolla

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Let me know how the brooklyn winter ale is, been meaning to try it.

Oh...and wait till you have Anchor's Christmas Ale... =)


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Currently having a Midas Touch by Dogfish Head

I generally hate the taste of high alcohol content beers. This one is based off of a 2700 year old beer recipe found in the tomb of King Midas. That said, I had to try it.

The high alcohol content is still a little bit of a turn off to me, but the alcohol isn't AS noticeable as I thought it would be. Low carbonation and the taste is leaning closer to a white wine than a beer with quite a bit of sweetness. Overall, it doesn't quite match my taste buds, but I think it's a quality beer nonetheless.
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Genuine Rolla

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Yeah, Midas Touch was a bit iffy to me, but for what it is, It's amazing.

Not totally up my alley but, it's pretty good for the style.

I picked up another bomber of Krampus the other day, along with another 4 pack of Brooklyn's Black Chocolate Stout.
Trying to stock up for the holidays and this what I have in the fridge so far:

Gritty's McDuff's Christmas Ale
FullSail's Wassail Ale
Bomber of FullSail's Wreck The Halls
Sierra Nevada Celebration
Anchor's Christmas Ale
2 Bombers of Krampus

Gotta do some more Christmas Shopping today and While I'm out, I'm thinking of picking up:

Avery Old Jubilation - Great winter warmer:

and a Growler of Berkshire Brewing's Pale Ale:

For $7.49 for a growler of that, it's not bad at all. Great all around Pale Ale, easy to drink, very nice beer for the holidays.


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Drinking Michelob's Winter Cask Ale. Honestly, I'm not a fan. It's aged in bourbon oak barrels. The initial flavor is good, but the bourbon afternotes come on too strongly for me. Leaves you with a very bourbony taste in your mouth (and yes.. I like bourbon..) I just don't think I like the mixture of bourbon and beer. I had one like this before, and I didn't like it either.

Genuine Rolla

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It kinda looked like it would be worth a try...but I figured I'd have the same results.

I don't get it...they probably have some of the best brewers, yet they can't make other styles really well?

Here's what my mini-fridge looks like at the moment. What's missing is the 2 Bombers of Southern Tier's Krampus and a Bomber of FullSail's Wreck The Halls on the door, along with some Gandhi-bot in the can holder since it's sold in cans.

This fridge was poorly designed for beer management. The middle shelf is the only spot big enough to hold bottles.

It can only hold 20 12oz bottles and 2 22oz bombers, then about 6 cans. Which isn't too bad. Picked up more celebration and the Sam Adams Winter Classics. Haven't had the chance to try this year's Old Fezziwig, Holiday Porter and Chocolate Bock.

I found a mini kegerator online and I'm thinking of picking that up soon, along with a sixtel of Sierra Nevada Celebration. Just don't know where I Would put it if I did get it.


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Well, I'm in Munich, Germany at the moment - the beer capital of the world, and I'm having a pretty amazing time as far as beer goes.

Last night I stopped at the Hofbrauhaus and enjoyed a Munich Original Lager.

Today I stopped at the Hacker-Pschorr brewhouse and had a Radler (50/50 mix of lemonade and lager) and a Dunkel (Dark lager). Both were excellent, and the Dunkel might just be the best beer to ever hit my tongue. It was SO good.

The best thing about german beer? The standard size of a glass of beer is 1 liter. The small size is .5 liters.

Today is only my second day here, so I'm sure I'll be having a whole LOT more beer posts to come.


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Lets see tonight was Wexford, Left Hand Brewery's Sawtooth Ale, Jk's skrumpy hard cider (best ive ever had) and Magic hat #9

Genuine Rolla

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Sadly I'm all out of beer...which sucks because we're snowed-in and nothing goes better with a snow day than a couple brews to enjoy throughout the day.

But, here's my list for my next beer haul:

Sierra Nevada Glissade

Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA

Sierra Nevada BigFoot:

Dogfish Head 90 MInute IPA:

and some Lagunita's Hop Stoopid:



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I am so envious of this thread. :(


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Supposed to get some Pliney the Younger today.
