Yeah, Midas Touch was a bit iffy to me, but for what it is, It's amazing.
Not totally up my alley but, it's pretty good for the style.
I picked up another bomber of Krampus the other day, along with another 4 pack of Brooklyn's Black Chocolate Stout.
Trying to stock up for the holidays and this what I have in the fridge so far:
Gritty's McDuff's Christmas Ale
FullSail's Wassail Ale
Bomber of FullSail's Wreck The Halls
Sierra Nevada Celebration
Anchor's Christmas Ale
2 Bombers of Krampus
Gotta do some more Christmas Shopping today and While I'm out, I'm thinking of picking up:
Avery Old Jubilation - Great winter warmer:
and a Growler of Berkshire Brewing's Pale Ale:
For $7.49 for a growler of that, it's not bad at all. Great all around Pale Ale, easy to drink, very nice beer for the holidays.