None of those are similar to IROC. So no there is nothing similar to IROC racing because drag racing is about the cars not the driver talent.
Sense you don't seem to know I will fill you in on the facts. IROC had cars that were all prepped exactly the same and tested the drivers skill alone. None of the series you mentioned do anything like that. The reason they don't have/didn't have races like that is because drag racing takes very little skill.
I don't doubt that Honda racing is big and know that they can be very fast. But it's the car not the driver!
Ok, i understand that IROC had cars that all performed the same...thats cool, but its kinda like being in the special olympics. If it was so great, it would still be around...the NHRA has been around since 1951. which means the NHRA is 23 years older. Not only that, but IROC chose the drivers because they had won championships....which includes drivers from the NHRA
how is drag racing about just cars and not driver talent? Its easy to build a honda that makes 1100-1200 whp, but the driver and tuner have to make that power usable...correct?
reaction time
knowing when to pedal
knowing when to ride out the limiter
knowing when to let out of it
all things that require skill. There is a reason why John Force has won 15 championships....hes an amazing driver. Im not saying that road racing dosent take skill...i have a friend who is a crew member on a very reputable time attack car, and its a constant struggle to keep going faster, and those guys work their asses off.
Its obvious to me that you have no idea what your talking about, and thats fine...i guess not everyone can have common sense. I think you just dont know enough about the sport, and all you see it as is the light turns green and you go. There is much more to it.