Official WoW (world of warcraft) thread


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^^BG farming is a great way to level. Lots of fun if you're into PvP.

With the bat having just spawned, I figured I'd take a day off of camping. I started leveling my Blood DK tank. He's up to 60 now. It's crazy... I can pull like 2-4 entire groups and be fine still (depending on the healer). Not to mention - I drop death and decay and aggro becomes a non-issue. Blood DK tanks ftw.


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Also a great way to farm JP for when I hit 85 :D. I'm almost to 2700. 62% into 84. I already bought JP boots on my other 85 that was JP cap'd. Hopefully I'll be JP cap'd and be able to store some honor to exchange by the time I'm 85.


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Couldn't get into wow much....everyone is the same. Runescape is fun tho!
There's a lot more to WoW than you may think. It's not just level and kill bosses. Runescape is even a more bigger and boring grind than WoW IMO. But at least you can make some nice money off of it. Or so I heard.


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^^Yea... WoW doesn't actually start until you hit 85.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Finally hit 83. Avg iLVL 276.

Finally hit 525 on mining.

Saw an 84 with 116k health, was like 'wtf?'

Finally have enough G for journeyman riding, but it'd wipe me out in G, now that I can farm elementium shouldn't be a problem making bank, especially selling it for 170g a stack.


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Jesus I should join your server. That s*** sells for like 30g/stack on my server. My server sucks for prices. The only thing I can really make bank off of is the Vial of the Sands mount. I usually make a couple a month but lately I've been busy gearing my shaman and death knight. I hit 85 2 nights ago and I'm at 343 ilvl now as resto. I love healing but man...shaman healing is a whole different world.

Mr. Jollypants

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My server is ok, but a lot of people undersell you.

I was able to sell obsidium ore for 190g a stack, go on yesterday, was selling for 35g a stack. I guess the bubble burst for that, but was pissed, spent hours farming it, have like 9 stacks, only going to sell each for about 25g tonight.


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My server is ok, but a lot of people undersell you.

I was able to sell obsidium ore for 190g a stack, go on yesterday, was selling for 35g a stack. I guess the bubble burst for that, but was pissed, spent hours farming it, have like 9 stacks, only going to sell each for about 25g tonight.
Yeah man it blows. Happens everywhere so you're not alone. I listed something for 3200 a while ago, and it was down to 2100 in a matter of an hour. People are f**king stupid when it comes to undercutting. Just because it usually sells for x amount doesn't mean you have to undercut by 1000 gold....

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Yeah man it blows. Happens everywhere so you're not alone. I listed something for 3200 a while ago, and it was down to 2100 in a matter of an hour. People are f***ing stupid when it comes to undercutting. Just because it usually sells for x amount doesn't mean you have to undercut by 1000 gold....
I just wish Blizzard would do something about the people that list 2 stacks of something, individually, instead of just listing two stacks, I don't know if it's bad on other serves, but it's getting bad for undercutting this way. they list one item at a price, someone else lists a stack at another price undercutting the other guys, and it just keeps going.


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I just wish Blizzard would do something about the people that list 2 stacks of something, individually, instead of just listing two stacks, I don't know if it's bad on other serves, but it's getting bad for undercutting this way. they list one item at a price, someone else lists a stack at another price undercutting the other guys, and it just keeps going.
This is why I sort of stopped dealing with the AH. I usually only post in stacks. Unless there are limited quantities of what I'm trying to sell, THEN I will list in smaller stacks. Other exceptions are flasks and such since you only need 1 per hour you raid and some people may only need 5 for an entire week so why waste money on a stack (although it makes more sense to buy a stack so you don't have to buy for a few weeks but hey to each his own).

Mr. Jollypants

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Sold a single Elementium Bar for 4g. Prices are so ridiculously low. It's not worth my time to farm the Elementium Ore.

Harden Elementium Bar, 130g.

Now an 83. Half to 84. iLvl went down, but, I got my Wrathful Gladiator's Chain Spaulders, which gave me a good agility and stam boost.


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Undercutting is all part of the game. It's just ridiculous when they undercut by a 100 gold for no good reason. Undercutting to get your name up top is strategy. Undercutting by any more than 1 copper is stupidity.

Oh yea. Still camping Aeonaxx... I should just update my signature to say that...


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It's amazing how many people I know/meet that play WoW... and none of them have ever been on the same server as me.... Damn. lol

Mr. Jollypants

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Undercutting is all part of the game. It's just ridiculous when they undercut by a 100 gold for no good reason. Undercutting to get your name up top is strategy. Undercutting by any more than 1 copper is stupidity.

Oh yea. Still camping Aeonaxx... I should just update my signature to say that...
Oh I have no problem with undercutting, its when they undercut by 50g+ and bring the prices down to rock bottom.

Sold my Hardened Elementium Bars today for 70g. /sigh


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It's amazing how many people I know/meet that play WoW... and none of them have ever been on the same server as me.... Damn. lol
I know what you mean. I've met other people outside CC that play WoW and I have never met a person that plays on the server I play on :lol:.

Looking back, I have met SO many people through gaming.... I've gone through herds of people in my Ventrilo server. I'll have a group of people I get to be friends with, then they disappear as they quit, then a different group and then they quit, etc. etc.

Oh I have no problem with undercutting, its when they undercut by 50g+ and bring the prices down to rock bottom.

Sold my Hardened Elementium Bars today for 70g. /sigh
I don't either. If I did I'd be a hypocrite :P. I just can't stand the ree-ree's who undercut by a thousand gold.


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I agree, Jason... that's ridiculous.

Mr. Jollypants

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4 bars from 84.

Hoping to hit 84 1/2 tonight.
