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I wonder why the north people make fun of the south? Or when the north people come to south, the south make fun off? What the idea of this? Is it because we talk diffferent? I have been there before use to live in Indiana. Sorry that I keep posting in off topic its just that I have nothing to say about my honda its just sitting in the yard being a yard ornament.


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Because north > south (unless you're talking about Korea) and east > west (other than Missouri and Washington).

Yeah...I may be a bit biased. But that's how it goes.


100% real juice
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STFU John, West > East :guns: lol. In my opinion coasts rule the most, middle america frightens me :shock: haha


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You know I can edit your posts right? So no matter what you say, I'm still going to win.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :bluelol: :rolf:


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Well, being from Tennessee you get made fun of the most, even by other southerners. So needless to say, anyone from any part of the US is going to poke fun of anyone from Tennessee, including myself (SC native).

On the other hand, when a northerner travels to the south, they inherintly will be made fun of for things like taste in foods, yankee accents, bad manners, inability to operate a motor vehicle, calling pasta sauce "sunday gravey", etc. etc.

Yankees will make fun of southerners for things like too much patience (driving too slow), too polite (in social interactions and lack of horn blowing while driving), heavy use of butter and mayonnaise in foods, southern accent (depending on region), pluff mud, etc. etc.
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Yankees will make fun of southerners for things like too much patience (driving too slow)
That's it.... I am never going down south.


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I rarely hear about North vs South, I hear about the West Coast vs East Coast. Them ppl from the East are weird. and those in the middle are stuck, they have no ocean views, i feel bad for them.


100% real juice
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^haha agreed, in cali the speed limit on the freeway might as well be 75 cuz cops wont pull u over as long as ur going under 80. Unless their in a bad mood that is.


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That's it.... I am never going down south.
My girlfriend and I visited her parents on Long Island this past summer. I ended up driving us to the Hamptons to stay with some friends for a couple nights. You yanks drive like it's a frickin race to the other side. I thought I was going to get run off the L.I.E. for only doing 70... One douche rode my ass for like 2 miles, I'm talkin I couldnt see his front bumper in my rear view. So finally he gets into the left lane, passes me, then gets back in the right lane in front of me and SLOWS THE f*** DOWN :x no wonder you use your horns so friggin much
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I had a Civic once.
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I'm from MA and my gf is from SC, so I make fun of her all the time. Just because I can.


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The south will rise again! but seriously the south is better, the food is better and the drivers are better. Cali drivers are nuts lol


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I'm from MA and my gf is from SC, so I make fun of her all the time. Just because I can.
Anything west of Columbia (with few exceptions, i.e. Clemson) is succeptible to riticule of the normal stereotypes of southerners. But to make fun of SC altogether is somewhat ignorant because the coast is so different from the hills. It's just like grouping all of NY state into a pot and saying they're city slickers.

Most of my girlfriend's friends from Long Island agreed that I don't have much of an accent. However, my vocabulary differs a bit :lol:


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My girlfriend and I visited her parents on Long Island this past summer. I ended up driving us to the Hamptons to stay with some friends for a couple nights. You yanks drive like it's a frickin race to the other side. I thought I was going to get run off the L.I.E. for only doing 70... One douche rode my ass for like 2 miles, I'm talkin I couldnt see his front bumper in my rear view. So finally he gets into the left lane, passes me, then gets back in the right lane in front of me and SLOWS THE f*** DOWN :x no wonder you use your horns so friggin much
lmfao :bluelol: :rolf:

Yeah, people are nuts up here. It really is a race. I've slowed down A LOT compared to even a year ago. I usually go only 5 over the limit now, and more often than I used to am I actually going THE speed limit. I enjoy going slower. Faster is fun but slower is much more calm and less of a hassle.


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I grew up in central WA, lived in Cincinnati for 3 years and sadly live outside memphis now.

Miss WA because I grew up there, but really seattle is the only place to be but its EXPENSIVE

Miss Cincy because there is so much to do and my fiance still lives there

To hell with Memphis. NOTHING to do and the people here are so stupid.

I find anywhere east of the dakotas are hit and miss as far as accents go. Some people have heavy ones while other people dont have them at all, even if they have lived here their whole life. There are dumb people everywhere dont get me wrong. But jesus I cant stand it here. Also there are about four honda guys in the greater memphis area.


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This is why. The North has more class then to let a car be a lawn decoration.
instead they turn into rolling, smoking, rust buckets


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I have an accent.

It's called sounding white when I'm asian. It confuses people like no other.


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IMO, midwest'ers want East coast stuff to stay East coast stuff. We want the Saints to stay in New Orleans. The Lake Michigan beaches/dunes don't get hurricanes (woo-hoo!). And the West coast basically doesn't exist lol! But other than that, I love using my horn...
