EJ6 Turbo Build


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
I think i'm going to go all CF in the front and staying black in the rear. Plus I just done have the money for CF trunk right now.


4 Banger Deluxe
Registered VIP
Man she has been a good build.... Your car is YOUR car and nothing else matters... its what you want , everyones got opinions and what you like might not be what they like , but long as you do, your golden...

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gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
So no new updates since xmas till now. She is sitting up at the exhaust shop and should be done tomorrow


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
So few more pic updates. I installed new hood pins.new problem ofcourse the car isnt moving again no cluewhy.



gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
So good news my car runs and dtives like a champ bad news doesnt want to rev over 4k just little adjusting issues. I will not be able to make the old fenders wotk so will be selling those. Trying to decide if I should get regular fenders or ek style. I plan on making a mold and actually making my own cf fenders. Screw paying that 600 if all hoes well will consider making more if anyone wants to buy them hopefully ill get new video today duringdaylight.


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
You know I thought about it but why is it everyone wants to look oem. I saw a post on another site and one of the comments about a 80's model accord was damn that is clean looks like it just came out of the factory. Now then why would you want your car to look like it just came out of the factory. You know before everyone wanted to do the whole oem style the thing you really called oem cars that had some motor work done and were quick, those cars were called sleepers. I've noticed most people don't even build their motor first. Why would you want to have your car lowered with no motor mods on a civic. I'm sorry for this little rant if people are reading this but on second thought not really. People around here talk s**t on hondas for being slow and rice burners now why would you not want to build your motor and out run those dirtbags rather than ride low to the ground scraping on a tiny bump. Just my 2 cents. Hopefully update on car this weekend


All Day, All JDM
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Looking OEM on an old car = restored ( that's respectable)
Looking OEM with a beast under the hood = sleeper
Looking OEM and barely over the ground = slammed (requires no performance to be low)
Why doesn't everyone build a motor first, everyone doesn't care to go fast. The people who s**t talk give the Honda enthusiasts a bad name. Most true enthusiasts have at least a respect for other makes, models, and build types.
The ones who don't, are just lame people IMO. Its kinda like being segregated but instead of people its cars.


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
/\ lol you have a very good point child and respect your view. However I will say that that 80s model was not the only one that i have seen like that. I've seen new models the same way with similar responses. Its a double edged sword working on our brand of cars I suppose. If you build the car to look great then you have people who don't respect the performance. You build the motor then you have people who don't care about the looks. Then again it all comes back to what the driver wants. Most people on here lets be honest build their cars to jump on the bandwagon of the whole oem style. When body kits were the rage people built cars that way for that bandwagon.


All Day, All JDM
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I cant wait until these civics are like 50 years old to hopefully see some builds like the classic american muscle cars. Almost all of them are FULLY restored, custom pieces somewhere, insane engines and suspension and they actually work for what they were built for.

...i dream big don't i? hahaha


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
So somewhat big update found someone wanting to trade some fat 5s for my rims lets hope it works out


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
So she went out on a test drive and is pushing 12psi in second gear lol. Video up tomorrow. Almost forgot to mention the car dies being below 1/4 tank of gas im thinking its the fuel pump any other guesses


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
Well its my old fuel pump since the walbro didnt want to work. Going to try and get new walbro I suppose when I can get funds. Still have to pay for custom dumptube along with wideband 02 sensor and finally exhaust wrap


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
So she is up and moving still got a few kinks which I may put in another thread not sure which one. The few kinks are 1 rear brake lights staying on thinking that has to deal with brake light switch. 2 its downing fuel like crazy possible problem is need of tune and need o2 sensor. 3 after accelerating it idles really low adjusted idle from 900 to 1100 to see if fixes the problem. Will put up vids soon
