god i love this build man it will be strange when its compltly done although almost no build is ever 100 percent done theres usally something else that could be done, but with yours idk man lol.
Eh this one is different. I'm building the car I really love to look at. Very nice, and decently quick. I'll probably only go to the drag strip with it every now and then to see what I can do. If I blow it up I'll build something else. It's not the end of the world. But with this car I'm building it to what I want the first time, and building it to a point at the start. Not something that gets better over time but is the car I wanted to build to start with. If I add anything to it then it will be subtle. I've got other really cool build Ideas and I don't want to use them on this car. I'm also not the guy to sell anything I like. That also means I have all kinds of cool goodies like extra B series swaps sitting around, extra tranny's and just great parts. I'm wanting another eg 4 door, and another eg hatch. But next I've got to do an engine for my daily. It's gsr is getting rather boring. I'm thinking a gt28r and many of the extra parts I have lying around. Just a well rounded quality build that I can beat the tar out of. Truth be told I drive like an old man 99% of the time. I'm just wanting something for that 1%.
I'd like to have nicer seats in my eg6. I don't really want anything in it that's too powerful in that car. If the car is gonna have power, then I'm not going to always be nice to it. This eg6 is a Meet piece mainly with a little drag racing. I don't have time to auto x either.
But to answer your question vaguely, I will have trouble not building cars. I so want an eg 4 door again.
i thought only the GATHERS interior folded flat... the jdm is different, but GATHERS was a jdm only option correct?
Gather's makes speakers and many other interior options for JDM cars. I'm pretty sure all the hatches have the same interior design other than there were other colors. (ex: gray, blue, yellow, black)