A Serbian Film (2010)
"An aging porn star agrees to participate in an "art film" in order to make a clean break from the business, only to discover that he has been drafted into making a pedophilia and necrophilia themed snuff film. "
you can watch it online here if you want
A Serbian Film Comments:
-omg, what... did.. i just... watch?
-WOW THIS MOVIE IS SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MORE MESSED UP THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE! i was looking for violence and gore not rape, wtf! i actually wish i hadn't watched it haha. its sad to know that this kind of crap is more than likely really happening somewhere
-I could have lived the rest of my life never seeing this movie, a word of advice would be for you to live the rest of your life with out watching it
-Forever traumatized ... All the worst and most illegal fetishes in porn are rampant in this movie so animals and kids and then add blood. two thumbs down and one really bigg frown :C
It is a fictional story though, as long as you remember that you#ll get through it with your sanity intact. Seriously, if you are a suggestible type, don't watch it, it will take you places you don't want to go.