What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD


Boost Junkie
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
That's the thing, its not like he doesn't have a chance. I just don't know if he does either. It's so stupid.

And I know. That's the worst part.

Your screen name gets ABBA stuck in my head... every time.
Women. So indecisive you guys are! :P


Boost Junkie
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
What do you expect from a 17 year old trying to describe something. I feel like I'm ahead of most, I don't have a kid...
You don't have a kid, and you do seem to be sharper than most your age, I will give you that! ::thumbs up


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I cleaned my headlights and vacuumed my car. I also took off the black plastidip on the mini rims it looks so much cleaner.

That's what they used to look like before. They looked like steelies in my opinion.


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^^ Same here man I got out of class at 8 ,and started trick or treating with my girlfriend at 8:40. No one was giving out candy. :(


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I think if you can drive a car you shouldn't trick or treat. No one comes to my house candy..oh well I ate it all anyways


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I was like why not I need some midnight snacks since I get high every now and then around 12-2am.


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I was like why not I need some midnight snacks since I get high every now and then around 12-2am.
Only way I made it through highschool. Last day was the first day I took of my pitch black shades. For three years they rarely saw my eyes. It's been a few months now and the stupidness is gone.


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From January to June of my senior year I went high almost every day and probably got high at lunch too. In the summer it was a nightly thing, I used to go to college high then I wasn't paying attention. So now its occasional meaning 10-20 times a month.


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Really? I don't know why, but I stay up like an hour or two after I do it. I don't see the point of getting high if you're just gonna fall asleep its no fun because you don't get to enjoy it.
