K ladies I'm having problems that I would love to get solved. Here we go.
Sitting in parking lot listening to music, drive home and notice something isn't right, it was losing power. The belt/alt has squeaked for a couple of weeks now, so I figured I lost the belt. Check it in the morning and its in perfect shape, drive it to work and again loses power when I get there. Tried to fire it up just to check and nothing. Dumbass me figured it was just the belt again. Charged it up and drove around for a bit, got back to work and let it sit for awhile at idle. Came outside to check on it and it bogged out, so I broke out the multimeter. It wasn't charging so I found an alternator for 30 bucks. Tossed it in and same problem, then it straight up would start. I found a fuse under the dash marked "ACG". Replaced it and it fired up no prob, but with a battery light this time. Still wasn't charging, messed around reving it and noticed it would charge for a few seconds then stop. I can't get this stupid thing to charge, ideas? What's the acg?
Sitting in parking lot listening to music, drive home and notice something isn't right, it was losing power. The belt/alt has squeaked for a couple of weeks now, so I figured I lost the belt. Check it in the morning and its in perfect shape, drive it to work and again loses power when I get there. Tried to fire it up just to check and nothing. Dumbass me figured it was just the belt again. Charged it up and drove around for a bit, got back to work and let it sit for awhile at idle. Came outside to check on it and it bogged out, so I broke out the multimeter. It wasn't charging so I found an alternator for 30 bucks. Tossed it in and same problem, then it straight up would start. I found a fuse under the dash marked "ACG". Replaced it and it fired up no prob, but with a battery light this time. Still wasn't charging, messed around reving it and noticed it would charge for a few seconds then stop. I can't get this stupid thing to charge, ideas? What's the acg?