Battery/alt issues.


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K ladies I'm having problems that I would love to get solved. Here we go.

Sitting in parking lot listening to music, drive home and notice something isn't right, it was losing power. The belt/alt has squeaked for a couple of weeks now, so I figured I lost the belt. Check it in the morning and its in perfect shape, drive it to work and again loses power when I get there. Tried to fire it up just to check and nothing. Dumbass me figured it was just the belt again. Charged it up and drove around for a bit, got back to work and let it sit for awhile at idle. Came outside to check on it and it bogged out, so I broke out the multimeter. It wasn't charging so I found an alternator for 30 bucks. Tossed it in and same problem, then it straight up would start. I found a fuse under the dash marked "ACG". Replaced it and it fired up no prob, but with a battery light this time. Still wasn't charging, messed around reving it and noticed it would charge for a few seconds then stop. I can't get this stupid thing to charge, ideas? What's the acg?


Hatches rock
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try a new battery?


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What grounds? Battery to chassis, starter to chassis, engine to chassis, therm to chassis. Am I missing any?


RHD is where its at
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Have u tried a different battery yet?


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Have u tried a different battery yet?
I haven't. With a multimeter it should be chillin around 14 right? I'm at 12.30 and decreasing. When I put it on the battery charge it's constant 13.80. I ran a direct line from the alt to the fuse box, checked the ecu wires, and checked grounds


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Ok well I'm down at 12. I just tried tapping the ground from the alternator and running it to the chassis. Moved the wire and popped the fuse. So I'm going to anchor that wire and replace the fuse I might have found it.


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Well, not the issue. Tapped the black wire off the alt ran it to the strut stud. Now this ACG pops as soon as I turn the key. First person to figure this out I will legitimately send you 10 dollars Paypal.


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Just had it all tested. Battery is perfect. The problem is either wiring or the alt. So it's time to slice up the harness! I'll direct wiring everything and see how it goes. This is annoying!


RHD is where its at
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So if u had it all tested y didnt u test the alternator?


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So if u had it all tested y didnt u test the alternator?
I checked it myself, not a bench test. Managed to make it to autozone and had them check it. Only getting 8 volts from the alt and ripple was clear up to 60, supposed to be at 6. So either this alt is bad or wiring. I have a very good feeling its wiring so time to slice s**t up!


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I'm going to take the old alt back to autozone and have them bench test it. If it checks out then the new alt is just fine.


RHD is where its at
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Ugh chasing wiring problems is never fun...
