NRA vs Obama thread


That D series Guy
5+ Year Member
Im not a pro writer, thread starter, or any sort of politician. I am not by any means a promoter of any sort..... i don't go around taking of government conspiracy.
I do however have strong beliefs concerning our rights. Rights that were given to us by those who founded this country and made it so we could be free.
Even before being interested in guns i believed fully in the second amendment and believed that things like concealed carry could, would, and will always save lives. I just had no reason to own one. My money has gone to automotive interests and now my beautiful wife. Whose life was threatened the beginning of this year. Im not shy of details so feel free to ask.
This forced me to take our safety into consideration. Couldn't be a worse time to get involved in ownership.

I find what is being done currently by our leaders to "save children" is revolting...... and childless. The attacks on the NRA, completely unnecessary. I find myself speechless at Comments like "NRA killing our kids". And most of all the lack of coverage on both sides of the story. It seems very 1 sided watching the news, no one wants to cover anything else but charts showing gun violence..... not that more murders were committed by second offender drunk drivers, only those that refer to that 1 side of the story.
I have enclosed, for this reason, the transcript from Wayne LaPierre's speech yesterday and will post video link when i can. This is not to force my opinions, but more so that someone hearing only the 1 sided media coverage, can see the other side especially those who don't own or don't see the point. This does affect everybody now, or even in the future.

The fact is most people i come into contact with do not know what they are talking about. For example: Yesterday i was approached because i was wearing a "front line defender shirt" and was confronted. I got an earful (respectful but frustrated) on how you don't need "assault weapons" and how a high cap mag confiscation would save lives and how registering every gun owner would cut down on deaths. I listened intently..... then had some questions. "should we cap all magazine holding more than 10 rounds"? I was greeted by a yes "so even .22lr rifles should be caped right"? this here is what got me....
He replied " Well no.... I think that that would be like setting a limit on how many bbs my child can put in their bb gun, i dont think that is necessary." He went on to say how guns with more than 10 rounds were more dangerous than a gun with less.

3 Things then i will go.
1) a .22 rifle is far from a toy (not to say a bb gun is a toy). It will travel over a miles distance. It will kill a person. It should not be treated any different by a 60 year old plinker than solder treats a AR-15 in a city. THIS IS HOW ACCIDENTS HAPPEN.

2) A gun with 10 bullets is just as dangerous as a gun with 30. Especially handling an
"empty" weapon. It is dangerous. The number of rounds has no effect.
3) An "AR-15" Is nothing but a hunting rifle modified to give thew feel and presentation a an AR-15. Its been said that any gun that looks SCARY or has more than 1 military feature should not be owned by someone. GUNS ARE ALL SCARY. I don't care if someone has a .22 rifle pointed at me, or a military barret .50 cal (why i would ever have someone try to shoot me with a barret is beyond me) The point is there isn't a difference! They should be treated as equal. Too often do i hear " getting show with a .22 would probably hurt alot that's about it" No. It will get stuck inside you and you will die. Again, Lack of educated common sense.

Summery (if you read this far then thank you for hearing me out)

Most of the time murders are committed by a CRIMINAL who stole what was available. Not someone who bought a gun at a gun show. A criminal does not register a car before he steals it therefore the proposed bill for gun registry does not apply to this person only you and me. We will register and probably be taxed on our firearms, a criminal will NOT. A criminal will not walk into a persons house and say "damn no ar 15 here, only an old rusty 7 round revolver" and leave. No he will use what is available and will hurt people. You see it everyday murders with cares, bats, glass, PENCILS anything and everything. The difference is us. and Education. Educate yourselves and others, get a gun safe. Secure what you own.
If these bills pass, they will make no difference. And when they don't the powers that be will think "maybe we didn't do enough" and it WILL get worse. Regardless of a persons beliefs, if put in a life or death situation.... would your rely on a good guy with a gun traveling 6 minutes from the police station? Or the person next to you who has been been trained and is there NOW?

Here is the link I can forward emails i get on this matter if you email me. Thanks for your time and God bless.

What do you think? I would be interested in what people think here, Again a discussion...... not a brawl.


since 06
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i completely agree with you...they are messing with our rights as AMERICANS....... i just found out that after this deployment i might not be able to get my license to cary............yet i can risk my LIFE for this country>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>because of stupid regulations and events that have happened since i left home.....i have made sure that my wife got her license to carry bacause of the possibility that i wont be able to......she currently just received it two days ago...... THANK GOD.................. i wont go into detail because it is forbiden for me to talk negatively about my government while i serve but heres a couple of links so you guys can see whats going on;..0.0...1c.1.6.psy-ab.bMy3UOySf8I&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43828540,d.d2k&fp=688e54e02d482fce&biw=1366&bih=673


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
^ is it not legal to ooen carryvther. I ve thought about it here in louisiana it is oerfectly legal to ooen carry a loaded fire arm. Hell i can even have a silencer haha. Now woukd i rather walk around with an open carry so people know hey dont go do some stupid s**t to this guy or your everday normal person without weapon visible.


since 06
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in the state of ct there is no law saying you cant open cary...but they always make it an issue when people do open carry.........people get scared and call the cops on citizens who are licensed to they put the technicality in as a concealed carry on the license......but if you look it up theres not one law that says you have to conceal your weapon in our state.....its honestly just rediculously retarded......................they want to band us from having weapons to stop people from shooting s**t up like that guy that was in the military a couple a weeks ago or the kid from the sandy hook situation when the people who are commiting these crimes arent the ones that payed and are licensed to carry firearms.................these people need to wake the f**k up a criminal is going to do what it takes no license needed they dont need to punish the average americans for s**t that has nothing to do with honestly just going to apply for my s**t when i get back and rack up on whatever i can before this s**t gets out of hand......................

s**t ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! next thing you know we wont be able to go to the grocessary store with out supervision because food makes people fat....


f**king idiots................i am amazed that these are the same people we let run our lifes day in and day out


Failboat sails at 9
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As a gun owner, I'm all for universal background checks (gun show or otherwise), 10 round clip limits (sorry guys, I personally don't need more than one or two rounds to take down a target if I need to), and banning easily modifiable, semi-automatic rifles to prevent certain varieties of criminal from obtaining it and making it into an automatic. I don't care if they have or have not been used in past anythings. If my youngest sibling can go on the internet on her iPod with a pre-paid credit card from Christmas time and have access to those modifications, anyone can.

Unlike most gun owners though, it wouldn't hurt my feelings if all guns were banned either. Granted, yes, at first there would be a higher incidence of violence without response because of black market criminal activities vs. a porous citizen militia, but it would go away very quickly and vastly increase the safety of our society. If you want to rob me, break into my house, etc., you better be willing to get into an ordeal with a very large man. That takes a the edge away from a lot of other crimes as well you see, less and less 'stick ups' or gunpoint robberies, stupid discharge accidents, and fit of rage outbursts.

'Boo hoo, my guns' is all I hear these days. The only arguments I ever hear are 'it's my god given right' (open to interpretation still btw) or if they take our guns, criminals will still find them somehow. Pretty sure the correlation would go similarly to what I said in the last paragraph though. No guns, crimes still committed, guns/criminals imprisoned/confiscated, less of each, and so on.

To say I speak from experience would be an understatement. In a TL;DR version of my childhood, my father was a methamphetamine dealer/user and got us into many of troubling situations. The most vivid being the one where I was pulled out of the truck out on the bank of a local river, pushed to my knees, then having a pistol placed into the back of my head for at least 5minutes. I will never forget that day nor will I ever forget the rage it built up in me for people to stop being so sissified that they need to use guns to get their way. What ever happened to the d**k swinging contest that didn't get you killed? No more fistfights, shot competitions, arm wrestling, nothing. Everyone is so afraid that the guy that just brake checked them is gonna pull out a pistol and pop 'em at the next light in this country. If there is any handout this government needs to start making again it's that of giving people a backbone again. Everyone screams until they see who's the loudest now instead of sitting back and actually using logical thinking. No one every analyzes the ridiculous conditions of prison that make minor criminals major ones on release. Or the negative effects that the Drug War has had on the violence in our country. Nope. Everyone is so worried over each others doings/sayings and never about what they need to do to make this world better. I can tell you that less guns and more confidence should be towards the top of that list.

I also love hunting. Guess what though? I can still hunt with a bow, with traps (certain states, assumably more if there were no/less guns), and with other utilities as well. Actually makes it more of a sport and less of a hobby that way.


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As a gun owner, I'm all for universal background checks (gun show or otherwise), 10 round clip limits (sorry guys, I personally don't need more than one or two rounds to take down a target if I need to), and banning easily modifiable, semi-automatic rifles to prevent certain varieties of criminal from obtaining it and making it into an automatic. I don't care if they have or have not been used in past anythings. If my youngest sibling can go on the internet on her iPod with a pre-paid credit card from Christmas time and have access to those modifications, anyone can.

Unlike most gun owners though, it wouldn't hurt my feelings if all guns were banned either. Granted, yes, at first there would be a higher incidence of violence without response because of black market criminal activities vs. a porous citizen militia, but it would go away very quickly and vastly increase the safety of our society. If you want to rob me, break into my house, etc., you better be willing to get into an ordeal with a very large man. That takes a the edge away from a lot of other crimes as well you see, less and less 'stick ups' or gunpoint robberies, stupid discharge accidents, and fit of rage outbursts.

'Boo hoo, my guns' is all I hear these days. The only arguments I ever hear are 'it's my god given right' (open to interpretation still btw) or if they take our guns, criminals will still find them somehow. Pretty sure the correlation would go similarly to what I said in the last paragraph though. No guns, crimes still committed, guns/criminals imprisoned/confiscated, less of each, and so on.

To say I speak from experience would be an understatement. In a TL;DR version of my childhood, my father was a methamphetamine dealer/user and got us into many of troubling situations. The most vivid being the one where I was pulled out of the truck out on the bank of a local river, pushed to my knees, then having a pistol placed into the back of my head for at least 5minutes. I will never forget that day nor will I ever forget the rage it built up in me for people to stop being so sissified that they need to use guns to get their way. What ever happened to the d**k swinging contest that didn't get you killed? No more fistfights, shot competitions, arm wrestling, nothing. Everyone is so afraid that the guy that just brake checked them is gonna pull out a pistol and pop 'em at the next light in this country. If there is any handout this government needs to start making again it's that of giving people a backbone again. Everyone screams until they see who's the loudest now instead of sitting back and actually using logical thinking. No one every analyzes the ridiculous conditions of prison that make minor criminals major ones on release. Or the negative effects that the Drug War has had on the violence in our country. Nope. Everyone is so worried over each others doings/sayings and never about what they need to do to make this world better. I can tell you that less guns and more confidence should be towards the top of that list.

I also love hunting. Guess what though? I can still hunt with a bow, with traps (certain states, assumably more if there were no/less guns), and with other utilities as well. Actually makes it more of a sport and less of a hobby that way.

To the OP - you effectively said a weapon is a weapon, and all of them are dangerous, regardless of magazine size.. So why do you need a large magazine? The magazine size limit is being proposed to reduce the ease of mass killings, not for a simple one on one defense situation (If you need more than 10 rounds to take one person down, you need to be spending more time at the range).


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I can't wait to get my gun here shortly. Getting a hell of a deal from a guy at work...


#1 a*****e
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From now on all mass shootings will be done with 10 handguns like Neo in the Matrix.

serious point though. all these mass killing crap that happens is fueled by the media. limiting the guns isn't going to stop someone from doing something like it again and get global coverage. there are many more shocking ways for people to kill other people than with guns anyways. restricting guns is only going to make the other ways more appealing imo.


Failboat sails at 9
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I agree with your point on Media being a big part of it, it's a constant topic in my field of Psychology. That being said...

restricting guns is only going to make the other ways more appealing imo.
...I definitely agree with this and encourage it, not shy away from it. I said it before and I'll say it again, unless you're breaking in when I'm not home, you better hope that I don't get my hands on you because you'll have one very large pissed off man on your hands. That makes me way more comfortable knowing I could train my wife and/or kids in a martial art/protection fighting style and not really have to worry too much past that. Going back to the point I made earlier, I would much rather a shitty criminal that can't get 'deep enough' into the black market to find a gun come at me with a knife or bat or what have you than a gun.


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
Ok question is why have more than 10 rounds because we f**king want more simply put. Its not to be cared about how many rounds one has. Thats like saying kwest if you really think banning will solve s**t your wrong. Iys against the law to kill peoplestill do. Your point is to ban from the non criminals which is f**king retarded. Liberal media has destroyed the mindset of americans.


Sporting Lunatic Fringe
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This garbage gets stirred up every time some crazy a*****e shoots up a building full of people. Crazy people can blow up buildings, or make chemical weapons etc etc etc, it's just easier to grab a couple guns. Point is, guns are only tools. They're not good or evil, they're made to serve a purpose. Of course letting criminals and lunatics at them is a bad idea. No f**king s**t Sherlock. The more interesting question is why we have so many of these crazy f**ks in this country that want to do these insanely terrible things. Wtf is it about our society that produces more of these assholes than anywhere else (seemingly) in the world? It's not a gun/magazine size/criminal background check issue at all, it's a mental health issue. It's gotta be systemic, the frequency is just too high for it not to be.


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The point isn't banning from non-criminals.. The point is banning from everyone.

I don't support a full gun ban, but I do support round reduction. There's just no need for anyone to have that much killing power. Because you "want to" is not a good enough reason. Many people would love to get there hands on an RPG, or some grenades.. does that mean they should get to? Probably not.


Failboat sails at 9
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Liberal media has destroyed the mindset of americans.
I think that it's funny you assume I even pay attention to the media. I don't own a TV nor do I have cable. I don't have a newspaper subscription nor any magazines. I'm unsure how this liberal media has corrupted me as you say.

Its society up bringing that has ruined are country
I would actually assume it's more things like peoples inability to use correct punctuation or spelling. This is also known as the educational system. If you want to point fingers at something, point it there, or at least back at yourself. You're perpetuating these non-sensical reasons for what you think is your right and like I've said in earlier posts, are trying to 'yell the loudest' (or in your case, use the most profane language) to get your point across. Engage us reasonable gun owners with a logical debate and you might actually get somewhere.

Or continue with the rants and such while rights you REALLY don't want taken away slowly get pilfered by the elite/corporatists in the Public and Private sectors.

I don't support a full gun ban, but I do support round reduction. There's just no need for anyone to have that much killing power. Because you "want to" is not a good enough reason. Many people would love to get there hands on an RPG, or some grenades.. does that mean they should get to? Probably not.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I support a full gun ban. As a psychologist, and I'm sure you can relate a little Joe, I find that removing the tool of destruction is a behavior that needs modification. Would I run around screaming for guns to get taken away? Not at all. Would I care if I got an email one day saying a 'gun ban' was going into effect and the local PD or what have you is collecting and melting down these weapons? Not really, no. I live in the current reality and don't perpetuate a desired reality. If it changed though, I wouldn't have an issue. I have bigger fish to fry and larger problems in government that need attention paid to.


#1 a*****e
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restricting guns is only going to make the other ways more appealing imo.
...I definitely agree with this and encourage it, not shy away from it. I said it before and I'll say it again, unless you're breaking in when I'm not home, you better hope that I don't get my hands on you because you'll have one very large pissed off man on your hands. That makes me way more comfortable knowing I could train my wife and/or kids in a martial art/protection fighting style and not really have to worry too much past that. Going back to the point I made earlier, I would much rather a s***ty criminal that can't get 'deep enough' into the black market to find a gun come at me with a knife or bat or what have you than a gun.
first off i wasn't talking about home invasions where I can't imagine too many people use assault rifles. I was talking about these sort of media fueled mass killings. Imagine if the criminals used explosives or chemicals on an even larger scale. unlike a gun which requires you to be present to use it.

as far as home invasion this weapon bill won't do anything. you should train your family to gtfo of the house if someone breaks in. materials can be replaced.


RHD is where its at
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Oh man...

I better stay out of this one...


Failboat sails at 9
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first off i wasn't talking about home invasions where I can't imagine too many people use assault rifles. I was talking about these sort of media fueled mass killings. Imagine if the criminals used explosives or chemicals on an even larger scale. unlike a gun which requires you to be present to use it.

as far as home invasion this weapon bill won't do anything. you should train your family to gtfo of the house if someone breaks in. materials can be replaced.
There aren't enough smart criminals that we'd see a spike in bomb/chemical warfare. You're paranoid if you think that.

As far as getting out...If someone breaks into my residence, I'm not leaving. They are. It's happened before and I'm sure it will again. I lost all my possessions in 2006 when my house was burgled. It's my home, I don't have any issue defending it...And no, not all material things can be replaced...Unless you want to explain that to my mother who last 100+ year old jewelry passed down from generations of family. Or her modeling portfolio from the late 80s that was before digital days. But yeah. You're right. Material possessions can replaced. I'll advise my wife to run away if someone breaks into our a house rather than protecting her family heirlooms. :roll:

On that note. I've said my piece in this thread about my opinion and don't want to start a flame war. So I'm outtie after this one to avoid getting more infractions added to my account. :lol: Can already tell that points are being argued/yelled about on emotion rather than trying to prove points with reasoning and/or facts.


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They should like....ban murder or something also!! That'll keep that from happening. Your welcome.
