I'll have to agree. 22 is young. While I personally don't miss those years, early 20s are meant to be a fun time, a time to learn, and a time for a few major responsibilities.
I would definitely move out, but with so many roomies you can still afford to play around. You may not be able to drop money as much, but don't jump out so soon entirely.
My advise is geared more towards the older members with established jobs or trying to get established.
Personally, my best years of my life have been my late 20s, and I'm quite excited to turn 30 now. 24 more days!
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You're going to regret doing this.
You're what... 22 years old? And you think you need to grow up? Enjoy being young while you can. Responsibilities will hit you before you know it. No one is envious of the 22 year old kid with an assload of debt, working day to day just to survive. Enjoy the fact that you can f*** around, because in about 6 years, you won't be able to.
Why am I going to regret it?
That's why I would get a bike. I can still f*** around with a bike. And I have my daily. And eventually I would like to get rid of both and get something nicer (BMW preferably) and I'll do wheels and all that jazz. I will always want a "nice" and preferably "fast" car. I don't think my love for cars will ever die.
And like I said before, when I've been taking the motor out of the coupe and working on it I've felt like I've lost the passion for doing it. I don't go to car shows anymore, and if I do I'm usually drinking a lot. I have no desire to go to shows anymore. I see the same cars every time and they win the same awards every time, and my car will never be one of those. Which I get and understand, but it's still kind of a bummer.
I really want a bike. Even for like a year or so. I want to enjoy THAT while I'm young, because I probably won't have one when I'm older. I may grow out of it, I may not. We'll just have to see. But I honestly don't think I can afford a car that's a hobby, moving out AND buying (maybe financing) a bike. That just isn't practical.