I really doubt I'm some sort of IT superstar by any means, but it's real real easy. I spend half of my day Googling s*** that people ask me and I have no idea about. IT these days is essentially:I dont mind it, i just doubt i'd be able to get a job doing it. most of my experience is in the admin side of IT. i know some html/css but i don't think i could get too far with that lol
75% knowing what words to Google
20% calming people down who are about to commit murder with their keyboard
4.5% searching the web and playing on forums (like me now)
0.5% applying fixes
Let's face it, everyone has already had the issue you're trying to fix. Sometimes it's easy common sense stuff, but it's all dumped all over the internet like a weird Japanese... - nevermind.
I like my job, but I feel like a 8yr old could do it at times. Except network / server infrastructure. That's fun, and when you don't feel like doing it, just tell them there is a system update pending that needs the server to reboot and since everyone needs to work, they just tell you don't worry about it.
I love IT...