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  1. XpL0d3r

    Curious about cost of changing Civic color to another Civic color

    I stand corrected on the stealership part then :cool:

  2. XpL0d3r

    Curious about cost of changing Civic color to another Civic color

    You'd be a few thousand bucks in to get it done right (to make it look like it came from the factory). Paint is NOT cheap. Your best bet for an estimate is to go to different places (TRUSTED local shops and of course the stealership) and ask them. Chances are they'd want to look the car over...
  3. XpL0d3r

    Honda civic 1993 speakers

    Hi :welcome: If the speakers are broken already, I'd recommend just taking one out and seeing the size of it. I'm guessing you'll need either 5.25" or 6.5".
  4. XpL0d3r

    No heat! Need Help ASAP winter coming !

    May want to bleed the system to get any air in the lines out of there, too.
  5. XpL0d3r

    1999 SiR Bad idle/CEL flashes/3k rpm limit

    Yep, check your plug wires and inspect the distributor. If the plug wires are old, replace them.
  6. XpL0d3r

    1999 SiR Bad idle/CEL flashes/3k rpm limit

    I don't know about you, but I don't count 10.... Check your plug wire order and that the plug wires are loose or broken. If they're old, replace them.
  7. XpL0d3r

    1999 SiR Bad idle/CEL flashes/3k rpm limit

    You can post a video to Youtube and just link it here. What was the trim on the old turbo? Also, try this and see what you get for flashes then:
  8. XpL0d3r

    What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

    Put all of Gerty'd stuff on Craigslist :( Already got some hits, sold most of the turbo setup (minus the turbo..) FS thread soon when I manage to take pictures. Also, got one hit on CL and it's an obvious scammer. Cali number, wants the motor and will "arrange his movers to pickup". I'm...
  9. XpL0d3r

    1999 SiR Bad idle/CEL flashes/3k rpm limit

    What's it tuned on? Just curious. If the CEL was off at any other point, it's not jumped. You can check my looking at the blue connector underneath the dash on the passenger side near the ECU. Sounds to me like it's not jumped and it's flashing at you to tell you not to drive it. Is there any...
  10. XpL0d3r

    1999 SiR Bad idle/CEL flashes/3k rpm limit

    You're getting the flashing CEL with the service connector jumped, right? If so, it can't be 1 long and 10 short... that would be just 2 long (code 20). Long flashes = 10, short = 1. The total will give you your code. If there's more than one code, there will be a slight pause before it goes on...

  11. XpL0d3r

    1995 civic b20 hesitation problem after full throttle

    Thepointofaperiodissothatthereadercanunderstandsentenceswithoutneedingtorereaditonehundredtimesandalsomakeswhatyouretryingtosaymuchclearerandmucheasiertofollowkindoflikespacesnowwiththatbeingsaidyouwontfindmuchofanyhelphereunlessyoutypenormally Ferreal though.. o2 sensor possibly? Does it do...
  12. XpL0d3r

    Honda Hot Deals Thread

    ^ Yeah, I usually order online at Advance Auto with a code and then do in-store pick up right down the road from me.
  13. XpL0d3r

    Will a Turbo fit in place of a supercharger

    I'm going to give you my honest opinion, sell them for said $1000, buy a turbo. Otherwise I think you'll be wasting your money and time. :twocents: Also no f**khead calling allowed here. Warning for everyone on this thread, soooo keep it civil. :thumbs up
  14. XpL0d3r

    Gorilla Offroad Company

    :shock::shock: well then...
  15. XpL0d3r

    Will a Turbo fit in place of a supercharger

    What size is the turbo? Also, listen to Cary (lethal6), don't ghetto-rig stuff -- that will be a MAJOR headache in the long run. If you're going to spend money on forced induction, do it right the first time and you'll be much happier with the outcome.
  16. XpL0d3r

    Will a Turbo fit in place of a supercharger

    I had a turbo DD for over 3 years. Just don't get a giant turbo and you won't have much lag.
  17. XpL0d3r

    Will a Turbo fit in place of a supercharger

    Yes, a pulley or anything physical. I'm sure it's POSSIBLE, but at this point you'd be custom fabbing up s**t and would probably cost you more than just buying a turbo.
  18. XpL0d3r

    Will a Turbo fit in place of a supercharger

    Superchargers (even the "snail" type centrifugal ones) are driven mechanically. A turbo is exhaust driven.
  19. XpL0d3r

    What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

    I'm in Canada for work. That's aboot it. Eh?