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  1. XpL0d3r

    What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

    I posted a bunch on snapchat hahaha. Here's a video of one of my runs though JYob_vQ8bII

  2. XpL0d3r

    XpL0d3r's RSX DC5 Type-S Thread

    ^^ Did that today. That wasn't my best run. That was a 65.577. My best run of the day was 62.383. Placed 15th out of 24th overall for the novice class. My buddy also did it, in his stock Cavalier, and placed 23rd out of 24th :lol: Oh, and the AP1 wheels are on now.. ;)
  3. XpL0d3r

    New to this

    :welcome: to ClubCivic! Looking good man! What are your future plans for it?
  4. XpL0d3r

    What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

    Autocross today!
  5. XpL0d3r

    What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

    Went to Vegas this past New Years. Gambled, drank, and had a blast. I was going through a rough time as I had recently split with my ex... this helped x1094829080. :shock: That's a shame. Not really a huge fan of either car, but I do appreciate them and it sucks to see something like that...
  6. XpL0d3r

    XpL0d3r's RSX DC5 Type-S Thread

    They came out very good and it was a crazy fast turn around time. Hoping to get them on tomorrow actually. Also, had an issue with my car running like complete crap on lower RPMS. Added some oil additive that actually got good reviews... but apparently shouldn't be used with smaller oil...
  7. XpL0d3r

    Does anyone know what model honda this seats come from?

    Those are from an Integra GSR You should be able to click the little image icon in the toolbar on the chat. I think that should be available to everyone. Or you can copy the link to each image and put them between image tags: I fixed your first post, you're good :thumbs up
  8. XpL0d3r

    XpL0d3r's RSX DC5 Type-S Thread

    Should be on this weekend ;)
  9. XpL0d3r

    build from the bottom up!! on a budget!! =]

    :welcome: to ClubCivic! We ask that you please only post technical questions / problems in the tech sections. We have a dedicated section for members' rides that can be found HERE. Normally, your thread would just be moved into the appropriate section for your generation, but as I have no idea...

  10. XpL0d3r

    b18 or b20

    I'm not saying information on the internets is always right, it certainly can have it's bullshit, but in just about every search result you'll find people will recommend the b18 over the b20 for boost because of the walls being to thin. Personally, if I planned on boosting a daily, I wouldn't...
  11. XpL0d3r

    b18 or b20

    B20 sleeves at 3mm thicker, and from what I've heard have been more prone to cracking.
  12. XpL0d3r

    Civic issues, please help. Stumped.

    Double check the code again? Maybe you miscounted the flashes? I really have no idea if the o2 sensors are really disabled.
  13. XpL0d3r

    b18 or b20

    I have to agree with that... from personal experience as well ;)
  14. XpL0d3r

    Civic issues, please help. Stumped.

    Moved to Engine Tech; better visibility there. Are you positive you're constantly running open loop? Might want to bring it back to the tuner if that's the case. Honestly it sounds like once your car is warmed up it's trying to switch to closed loop. When code 41 is there, it will run open loop...
  15. XpL0d3r

    b18 or b20
  16. XpL0d3r

    d16y7 to b series
  17. XpL0d3r

    XpL0d3r's RSX DC5 Type-S Thread

    And they're in for powder coating! Spacers come in on Thursday, so I should have these on just in time for Auto X this Sat & Sun. Oh and there wasn't a hole in the one tire either; the screw was short and never actually punctured it. :thumbs up
  18. XpL0d3r

    DIY: Plasti-dip Ap2v1 rims

    I used to do that whenever I rattle canned my steelies. It works great! Also, OP, looks good!