:welcome: You can reset it using the paper-clip trick.. my SRS light came on and I reset using this method:
Way off topic, but my works Houston office's DHCP server went down yesterday. I called the GM in Houston and said "Houston we have a problem", but he didn't think it was as funny as I did :lol:
Not the fuse.. Fuse 15 if blown won't power the alternator, and eventually the car would die out / not start. I had this issue too lol when it kept blowing because of a faulty ELD. :roll:
You should have two o2 senors... one before the cat, the other after. The job of the o2 sensors are to...
I'm guessing o2 sensor... I had the EXACT same issue...
Car was fine when cold, but when it warmed it bogged terribly. Didn't throw me any codes, and voltage was fine because I always checked it when the car was sitting / cold.
I believe it was my primary o2 sensor but I'm not 100% positive...
Moved to the Where not/to Buy from section. Good luck on getting your parts... keep us informed please! :thumbs up
. This giant period should make up for the lack of the ones used in your previous post. :lol: