right, but when you step on it, RPM's go up, parts move faster, more heat is generated. Though your temp gauge will not reflect it because your fan comes on, your exhaust may see the temperature increase.
sounds like when the car is getting pushed / warm. Check o2 sensors. I had a very similar problem, car would bog down once it got warmed up, though cold would run perfect. Faulty o2 sensor.
Anyways, CEL code is Check Engine Light, yes.
8th grade, theater class. remember going to my next class and seeing it on the TV's inside the classrooms. I also remember having football practice that evening, and remember standing there on the field discussing it with some of the other guys.
I can't go that low... 3" exhaust and downpipe scrape enough as it is. even shortened the hanger on the exhaust to the point where the exhaust tip is resting on my rear lip
OP, you'll be able to get somewhere around 250whp on stock internals, with a good tune. And not an eGay turbo kit either, lol.
^ read.
Rochester eh? Nice! I'm here in Roc, I go to school at RIT. JohnS. might chime in, he's from Roc too. Do you go to the cabin on Wednesday nights?
Anyways, you can reset the SRS light by doing the paperclip trick, this happened to me and this trick solved it perfectly...