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  1. bizoneoeh

    Kid Beauty Pageants.. f**king Weird..

    I didn't even think of that! I just seen it right away :lol:
  2. bizoneoeh

    Last Thing You Ate?

    ahhhh.... just got done! Popeye's and Patrino's pizza!.... COLD! *edit not pictured a Little Debbie oatmeal pie I just found in my basement pantry.... :biz:
  3. bizoneoeh

    Kid Beauty Pageants.. f**king Weird..

    :lol: Amen
  4. bizoneoeh

    Father Gives His Nephew An Old School Azz Whoopin

    yeah.... kids now days are f**king pussies! You guys are proof!
  5. bizoneoeh

    Spammers and you

    oh yeah! by all means! I mean... all we're asking is that you hit the report button... we're not demanding it! :lol: comment away on those f**kers! Just report is so we can take care of them when we see it, thanks.
  6. bizoneoeh

    del sol for it??

    I'd pick it up but I would start off at offering him $800 then work my way up. I would do anything performance wise to it just because those things are heavy and girly looking. I would buy it just to save gas.
  7. bizoneoeh

    Spammers and you

    It would really help if you members can hit the report button when you see spam on the site instead of just posting in their threads or below thier posts. It doesn't help that when some of you guys see spam you just post stupid pics or "spam" or s**t talk about the staff not getting it quickly...
  8. bizoneoeh

    Describe The Person Posting Above You...

    ^^Knows that the member above him DOESN'T know that I already took care of it!
  9. bizoneoeh

    Kid Beauty Pageants.. f**king Weird..

    yeah.... I wonder if we watched the same program because it kind of pist me off too. It's unbelievable what some of these cunt mother's will do to their daughters. on a different note... Has anyone else seen the fight vid of the 3 mother's getting into it after a kid pageant? :lol:

  10. bizoneoeh

    Describe The Person Posting Above You...

    ^^ pokes me in the butt and swears I'm going to like it some day nohomo
  11. bizoneoeh

    Official Rate My Sig thread

    ^^10+ I ejaculated when I seen your sig!
  12. bizoneoeh

    Kid Beauty Pageants.. f**king Weird..

    yeah... I like to watch it while your dad sucks me off and uses JUST enough teeth! He's better at it than your mum! I'm sure your parents taught you the family trade!...
  13. bizoneoeh

    Father Gives His Nephew An Old School Azz Whoopin

    Oh man.... you guys have to watch this s**t! :bluelol: Father Gives His Nephew An Old School Azz Whoopin On Webcam For Acting Hard On Facebook & Forced To Put The Video On His Wall! He wasn't acting...
  14. bizoneoeh

    Kid Beauty Pageants.. f**king Weird..

    yeah... I know.... they like basically whore 'em out to the judges! "The hardest part about this competition is that judge #3 has really fat fingers and it hurts a little".... :lol:
  15. bizoneoeh

    The Lotto is at $196 million...

    son of a b***h! :x
  16. bizoneoeh

    The Lotto is at $196 million...

    I bought 3 tickets last night.... I don't think I won d**k!
  17. bizoneoeh

    Turbo Vtec

    you can run turbo with vtec fine but the vtec isn't worth a s**t if you're boosting imo.
  18. bizoneoeh

    Anyone quit smoking cold turkey?

    I did back in 2000 and it put me in the hospital for a week with pneumonia. but after that was done and over with, I couldn't even stand being around cigarette smoke.
  19. bizoneoeh

    The Lotto is at $196 million...

    never mind... I forgot to buy the f**king tickets :smackself