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  1. bizoneoeh

    It's been 12 years....

    no s**t, thanks!

  2. bizoneoeh

    Last Thing You Ate?

    just ate a arby's breakfast! They just recently started serving breakfast again! :woot: sausage CROISSAN'WICH with their potato cakes :yummy:
  3. bizoneoeh

    It's been 12 years....

    speaking of which..... how do I get the pics from my cell phone onto my pc?
  4. bizoneoeh

    It's been 12 years....

    oh I know! I stopped by there yesterday because they have that $40 bucks a month unlimited everything but they have VERY shitty coverage here. I was about to buy it but I need my service to becovered South of where I live and metro pcs doesn't cover that area. :( they do have a great deal...
  5. bizoneoeh

    Got Rice?

    damn..... your name STILL hasn't changed?! :what:
  6. bizoneoeh

    It's been 12 years....

    :lol: don't take it personal like some do and you'll be fine. I hade my share of infractions on here too! I guess I was in 2010 back in 1998 :cool: but believe me, if it wasn't for my job, I wouldn't have this piece of s**t! :bluelol: I rocked my beeper hard as f**k too!.... back when...
  7. bizoneoeh

    looking for fogs

    wrong section.... moved!
  8. bizoneoeh

    It's been 12 years....

    yeah but you were 12 5yrs ago! :lol: just bought a boost mobile. I went to verizon and they wanted to lock me in 2yrs for over $90 bucks a month for less options than what I got on my boost. I'm texting all my friends gay stalker s**t now because they don't know my number. :lol...
  9. bizoneoeh

    Rand0m Thread..

    WTF is BBM? :???: and pm me the pic! I wouldn't show anyone else, I'm not like that! I f**king SWEAR!!!!
  10. bizoneoeh

    Rand0m Thread..

    oh man.... I wanna f**k her! :yummy:

  11. bizoneoeh

    Rand0m Thread..

    yeah, thankfully I came in and turned it around! :lol:
  12. bizoneoeh

    It's been 12 years....

    well, verizon sounds good! thanks guys, I'll check them out. there's no cricket stores around me :( Feel free to post your input!
  13. bizoneoeh

    Rand0m Thread..

    I remember you!
  14. bizoneoeh

    It's been 12 years....

    no s**t, thanks! I'll look around for a cricket store yeah, it's for my job otherwise I wouldn;t be getting one. is there anything I should stay away from?
  15. bizoneoeh

    It's been 12 years....

    you mean 70's :oops: I was born in 1977 thanks for the quick replies! Yeah, there's a deal over here with verizon (I'm pretty sure it's verizon) that gives you unlimited calls and text for like $40 bucks a month. Boost mobile has the same but for $50 bucks per month. yeah, I...
  16. bizoneoeh

    It's been 12 years....

    After about 12yrs of not having a cell phone, I'm getting another one today. :( Yeah, I don't want one. the last time I had a cell phone, it was like 1998 and I threw it in the river while I was fishing because my wife kept calling me non-stop and leaving messages. It was a pre-paid...
  17. bizoneoeh

    EK9 Drift King

    :bluelol: I'm getting the same one for my infiniti!
  18. bizoneoeh

    Describe The Person Posting Above You...

    ^^titty f**kable!!^^
  19. bizoneoeh

    ***GREAT LAKES General Discussion Thread***

    holy s**t! :shock: you look like a white version of me minus all the moles. :lol:
  20. bizoneoeh

    i had to share this s**t.

    repost but it's so old I'll let it stay open. and moved to the correct location!