Search results

  1. bizoneoeh


    Welcome to the site! :welcome: I'm going to move this thread to the members rides section ;)

  2. bizoneoeh

    Describe The Person Posting Above You...

    ^^ wishes I would try to get her pregnant^^
  3. bizoneoeh

    The point of a help forum

    not only that but when a noob DOES search and bumps an old thread, some of you guys give them s**t for that. So it's a lose/lose for the noobs no matter how you look at it. You hardasses are going to give the noobs s**t either way. :thumbdown So just stop the crying and just don't post...
  4. bizoneoeh

    How To: LED license plate light swap

    good s**t :thumbs up moved to the "how to" section!
  5. bizoneoeh

    The point of a help forum

    sorry dude, some of the members on here just feel they are better than everyone else. It's the internet and they can get cocky without getting punched in the mouth like they would in real life. :lol: It's against the site rules to make those stupid "search" posts but they do anyway. I don't...
  6. bizoneoeh

    Need some estimates on a build

    I mean, how f**king hard is it to tell this guy what you paid? :what: If you don't want to help him, then don't post! Infractions will be handed so don't start crying when you get them ;) If you don't like it, speak to admin because it is in the rules not make "search posts" unless you...
  7. bizoneoeh

    Pictures of my 89 Honda Civic

    4th gen members ride's. it was originally in the tech section.
  8. bizoneoeh

    Pictures of my 89 Honda Civic

    looks good :thumbs up and I'll move this to the correct location for you. ;)
  9. bizoneoeh

    Brian Jackson

    I know, I did too when I seen it last week sometime. :lol:
  10. bizoneoeh

    Brian Jackson

  11. bizoneoeh

    Brian Jackson

  12. bizoneoeh

    anyone ever go from efi to carbs?

    how much is the component used to trick the sensor and how would you install that? If it's just like a plug-n-play, I'd try that first. I think you'd have more problems converting to a carb. could this be something that a afc hack or a chip could do?
  13. bizoneoeh

    heyy am new here (:

    welcome to the site! :welcome: make sure you read over the site rules. and moved to the correct location! :D
  14. bizoneoeh

    anime mini civic pix

    There's a message that comes up asking you to search before posting a thread. That's what you should have done first. ;) there should be a thread on this in the photo lounge. Check it out.
  15. bizoneoeh

    Dumb ass hit me

    your insurance company should take care of it then they'll sue him for the money.
  16. bizoneoeh

    ::It's been a minute fellas::

    glad to have you back! looks good bro :thumbs up
  17. bizoneoeh

    junkyards in MI

    there's some in grand rapids and there's two here in Holland (u-wrench-it and Mudget). Look in the phone book for "salvage yards"
  18. bizoneoeh

    Apexi WS2 exhaust

    there are THOUSANDS of threads on this site alone on the same subject.
  19. bizoneoeh

    loud mouth gets ass kicked....

    :clap: my hat always comes off to a Vietnam vet.
  20. bizoneoeh

    Why Fake It???

    :word: I wouldn't try it :no: