I really apresiated all your wisdom and good wishes, sorry for being such of a hard head and indesiced butt. with all that you guys are saying, i keep going back and forth to the Lx, because like you say is lower in milages and would give me better mpg's which it what i really need, I have to really go with what i need and not what i want....
And if like some of you guys say the Si, its not really that much better in fun factor then the Lx dont sound so bad...
I really just hate to pass the oportunity of having the top dog in the civic world,,,, but again, i have to put in my head that it should be what i need and not what i want... Again thanks a lot for your info and shearing your good wisdom.... i have a little bit of time still to chose, i'll keep you guys in touch on my decition... keep the info comming, i will apresiated...