96romaCX CIVIC hatchback BUILD THREAD


Frame Bangin
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I was wondering if it has enough power

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Hey club civic! Man its been a while. I was just reminiscing about the old hatch and show g some pics of it to a friend, but anyway the 86 is a work horse and it gets dailyed and tracked quote often in autox events and drift events, got some pics of the past out gs 12819463_1741665239398601_8915334126711279550_o.jpg 12819463_1741665239398601_8915334126711279550_o.jpg 12006554_1686199528278506_3547086306572430535_o.jpg 12819463_1741665239398601_8915334126711279550_o.jpg 12006554_1686199528278506_3547086306572430535_o.jpg 11713840_1664223413809451_7413139770865061956_o.jpg


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I'm having trouble with the new site format, it's lagging and pissing me off, so I'm not fixing the posts
