find me a channel thats titled White Entertainment Television. and as far as "white history month" goes, IIRC there was black soldiers that fought in the revolutionary war, so that celebration is for them too, seeing that they helped free this country.every other channel on there is white entertainment television... as for white history month, that's july plus constitution week.
we cannot dismiss ridiculous acts of injustice from those sworn to protect it because of what other people or the media are doing. plain and simple....statistically.....police (as much respect as I have for them) convict minorities on a much higher scale than whites. now yes, i understand that also minorities commit more crimes in certain areas...however, the punishment or handling thereof is frequently harsher for non-whites even when the same crime has been perpetrated.I am NOT saying the cops were right for doing this.. i can't imagine ANY situation that warranted that.. BUT with that said..
i agree with you %100.. we live in a racially bias society.. that is one that is bias against whites.. in the world i live in it is TOTALLY acceptable for a hispanic supreme court judge to belong to a racial based organization, and to make negative comments about the ability of her peers who happen to be white, but if the situation was reversed, there would be hell to pay.. I live in a society where it is TOTALLY acceptable to wear clothing promoting "non-white" races but the second anyone indicates the SLIGHTEST amount of pride in the "white race" you are entered into an FBI hate crimes data base.. FURTHER.. the list of VIOLENT black on white crime is ENDLESS....VIOLENT VIOLENT crimes.. where white people (especially women) have been brutalized, and the news barely bats an eye.. the races of the people are RARELY reported.. think about the last time you heard "a black man car jacked and raped a white women today".. the stories are told but the element of race is left out.. but the SECOND two WHITE cops step over the line all hell breaks loose... some guy gets tazered and there is this huge public out cry..
and so on.. so pardon me if i dont cry a river.. the reality is SURE those cops were likely excessive in what they did.. but im almost %100 positive that he didnt sit there politely complying with the officers orders.. just because someone has no legs does not mean they do not have a weapon.. and that does not mean they deserve any "special" treatment..
the whole "you are a white evil monster" game is REALLY starting to wear thin.. i mean even look at the Obama bullshit.. god forbid you be white and disagree.. you will INSTANTLY be labeled a racist.. Whites are BRUTALIZED on a daily basis at the hands of non-whites... but this simple FACT is ignored..
I agree... COMPLETELY.. BUT we HAVE to acknowledge that the job they have elected to do is hard.. and that this job comes with risks... these cops.. they have familys that they go home to every night.. children waiting up to see them for just a second before going to sleep.. and because of that we have to understand that while the safety of the innocent is paramount... the safety of officers enforcing the law is equally important.. these are the men and women who look for your car when its stolen, these are the men and women who are first on the scene when shots are fired... so the job they have is somewhat intense.. so when a cop feels its just to use NON LETHAL FORCE... mace, taser, etc.. we have to fully inspect the situation before casting judgment... again in THIS situation they could very well be wrong... i was not there.. you were not there..we cannot dismiss ridiculous acts of injustice from those sworn to protect it because of what other people or the media are doing. plain and simple....
cops do not convict people.. cops arrest people who commit crimes.. people are convicted by a judge or a jury.. as far as arresting more minorities? well you said it yourself minorities COMMIT MORE CRIME.. so of course they are going to be arrested more.. that is a logical conclusion.. now as far as being treated differently than non-whites? you are almost right.. i do NOT agree that the sentence is automatically harsher for being a minority.. and your statement is one that can really not be validated.. the reason is because you are unlikely to find two people convicted of the same thing in the same area by the same jury who happen to be one black and one white who received different sentences.. but what i will say is this.. i have been in MANY fights.. and have seen MANY fights.. i have been in fights with non-whites who have made racial comments before, during, and after the fight.. and were treated the same as me.. we were both simply charged as "fighting" regardless of the s**t they talked.. but i had a friend dave who got in a fight on the board walk near where i grew up.. and they exchanged some choice words, and the police attempted to charge him with "hate and bias crimes" because of the words he chose... i have never in my life seen a non-white convicted of a hate and bias crime.. its like a category that has been solely created to persecute white people.. and its complete bullshit..statistically.....police (as much respect as I have for them) convict minorities on a much higher scale than whites. now yes, i understand that also minorities commit more crimes in certain areas...however, the punishment or handling thereof is frequently harsher for non-whites even when the same crime has been perpetrated.
if you were in a wheel chair.. and i was a cop.. and i told you to do something "get your hands up" for example.. and you reached somewhere other than straight up in the air.. you would be getting tazered... the reason is this.. i dont know wtf you are reaching for.. and a stun from a tazer.. after it you are still alive.. you are reaching for an unknown variable, that might cause me to go home in a body bag.. so.. instead of hoping you don't have a gun... i would use the tazer to neutralize you, it is NON-LETHAL force...regardless of race or anything else. there is no one that can tell me these cops acted according to their responsibilities and look me in the face while doing so. they are sworn to protect and serve. this is clearly not it, they should be tried of a crime just as anyone else would. i am thinking assault and battery.
we were not there.. and therefor do not know... like i said i maybe he did nothing.. maybe the cop did abuse his power.. we won't ever really know...BUT MAYBE.. maybe the guy in the chair DID do something to provoke it.. you really just dont know..your statement in bold: you base your comment on what? clearly not any quantifiable facts.
Didn't you get the memo everything is racist that involves more than one race. I'm sure you have a friend of a different race. That's racist (sarcasm intended for anyone that is to stupid to get it). Racism will always be around because of the fringe group of people that decide everything is racist and the media that pushes racism to sell stories.What's bullshit is everyone on here making this into a race issue, it's a police brutality issue /argument. If the police beat the s**t out of any legless person (black/white/blue/yellow/brown) w/o justified cause it would be on the news argue this all you want. What about the other thread where that group of black kids beat the s**t out of that white family? That made the news.........
You guys bring up race WAY too often frankly i'm tired of hearing it, make a racist argument section and have a hay day there, don't bring it up every chance you get everywhere else..............
the use of department approved NON-LETHAL force is NOTHING like beating the s**t out of someone..What's bullshit is everyone on here making this into a race issue, it's a police brutality issue /argument. If the police beat the s**t out of any legless person (black/white/blue/yellow/brown) w/o justified cause it would be on the news argue this all you want.
it BARELY made the news..What about the other thread where that group of black kids beat the s**t out of that white family? That made the news.........
who shouted ''This is our world'' and ''This is a black world'' as police say they aren't ready to call it a hate crime
That's a whole other argumentthe use of department approved NON-LETHAL force is NOTHING like beating the s**t out of someone..
277 people in the United States have died after being shocked by a Taser between June 2001 and October 2007
racism in the sense that people may choose to assume certain things based on race.. and or choose to associate with certain people based on race is not necessarily a bad thing.. it is simply a personal choice... ACTING in a negative way to OTHERS based on race IS a problem... but so is acting negatively even without race being a factor..Until people can stop bring up the issue of race...there is going to be racism and backlash racism. People rant about racism, then other rant about the people who rant about racism. the fact that we're talking about it still suggest that racism is still highly prevalent.
this is exactly how i feel.. we were NOT there.. its easy to sit here safe.. behind our computers.. and say should have done this.. should have done that.... but these are split second decisions made... and when you don't know if a suspect has a weapon or not.. and they will not comply... sometimes you have to error on the side of caution..U
They police seemed a little excessive (and it doesn't seem like racism to me at all) since the guy was frail looking and a freaking double amputee. They could've just wheeled him around (not like he was oging to walk away). They could've cuffed him to his wheel chair.
At the same time, he was being ajerk and not complying with the law - and he was wanted for d omestic violence. if we could know how resistant he was, then maybe the amount of force they used was totally necessary.
So really, we don't have enough information to make a truly informed opinion. We had to be there for the whole thing. I want to trust that the cops used the correct amount of force, but we'll never know. The media only shows what will get a reaction from people.
where is that statistic from? does it include use in violent crime? or JUST police work.. id be interested in seeing the details there...That's a whole other argument
just a quick wiki search but the numbers aren't the point the point it it can be lethal, tasers to me are just a form of less lethal force and shouldn't be used unless absolutely necessary.where is that statistic from? does it include use in violent crime? or JUST police work.. id be interested in seeing the details there...
Taser Abuse in the United States
Since June 2001, more than 351 individuals in the United States have died after being shocked by police Tasers. Most of those individuals were not carrying a weapon. Amnesty International is concerned that Tasers are being used as tools of routine force -- rather than as an alternative to firearms.
Medical studies so far on the effects of Tasers have either been limited in scope or unduly influenced by the weapons' primary manufacturer. No study has adequately examined the impact of Tasers on potentially at-risk individuals -- people who have medical conditions, take prescription medications, are mentally ill or are under the influence of narcotics. Rigorous, independent, impartial study of their use and effects is urgently needed to determine what role Tasers may have played in the 351 deaths and to determine appropriate guidelines for future Taser use.
Given the unresolved safety concerns, Amnesty International recommends that police departments either suspend the use of Tasers and stun guns pending further safety research or limit their use to situations where officers would otherwise be justified in resorting to firearms.
inequality my ass...I swear......everything here is not a race issue.
96swpek there will never be a "White Entertainment Television" because that's what television was. Besides, BET is a joke and is run by white people.
OC, I understand your point, but white people will constantly get that heat because of the inequalities that still exist towards certain people and they will be presented to the world as the representative of whatever "race" they are. That is how the news works. I know it, you know it, and you feel it is unjust. So do I, but everything is not a race issue. Sometimes I wish stories like this wouldn't get reported because you as well as I know that this s**t happens to white, by white people, as well but it won't make news because it isn't as juicy.