are you f**king serious?!


OG スバリスト
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i dont get everyones argument on here how this isnt race related.

the word "black" is in the title of the article for f**ks sake!
actually, a lot of people have criticized the author of the article for putting such an emphasis on race, rather than on his disability.


toaster oven
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If things were based on class status and not race, I think this would help solve a lot of issues people have with helpping a "race" versus poor people... then people would start being more classist. People always look for a way to divide and categorize people. It's human nature. If it's not race, it's class, gender, height, hair color, education, etc etc etc. Even in cuntries where most of the people look essentially the same, people start comparing noses or eye color.

OC - even though a lot of your claims have truth behind them, there are still a ton of instances where minorities are actually treated differently base solely on their race. There ws this documentary about two friends, a white guy and a black guy, where they both went thro ugh the same scenarios in public . Prior to going out into the public, both of them thought they were treated pretty similarly ...until they filmed the differences. Some examples: the white guy was approved for the apartment, treated respectfully at the jewlery store, etc. the black was told they didn't have any vacancies and he was followed around the jewlery store in an aggressive manner. Both men worked at the same place, had similar schooling, made about the same amount of money - yet racism still occurs.

Also, your claims are way too general and also don't have any support to them - they just seem like your own opinioin. Just as an example

if i want help with school through special "funding"... im looking for a hand out..
if a non-white student needs help... thats normal due to the unfair nature of our society

There are plenty of universities that let people in just because they are a "legacy" kid. that's also not fair, but it happens (and many of the legacy kids are super rich....and as a consequence most are from rich white families that have the blue blood. not all are white, but most).

Also, plenty of non-white people go to school without the help of special funding - just like plenty of white people get money from special funding. There are a ton of scholarships and funding for all types of people. Some are ethnicity based, but many aren't. Many are based on people who want to go into the computer science field (microsoft and HP have scholarships for those).

Again, if we based financial aid on someone's income (instead of race), that would be more fair.

It's sad to me that:
1. People unjustly play the race card when race isn't the issue - this causes a backlash and increases racism
2. Since people see the racism card everywhere, many people scoff at racism, even though it is still a huge issue
3. Many people are immune to racism - we saw such hope and optimism during the civicl rights movement that we were striving for a society with less racism....while some overt racism is gone, there is still a lot of racism that is not's hidden and not always conscious. it still causes rifts and issues.
err...sorry for writing a book =)


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If things were based on class status and not race, I think this would help solve a lot of issues people have with helpping a "race" versus poor people... then people would start being more classist. People always look for a way to divide and categorize people. It's human nature. If it's not race, it's class, gender, height, hair color, education, etc etc etc. Even in cuntries where most of the people look essentially the same, people start comparing noses or eye color.
Well that brings up a really interesting point.. that IS after all the problem.. the problem is we live in a society that tries to FORCE caring.. all these BS quotas, and hate laws.. they revolve around trying to FORCE acceptance.. and that is really just a form of thought control.. if YOU want to ONLY like black people.. or people with red hair.. if you ONLY want asian people working in your restaurant.. that is ALL free choice.. you should not be able to FORCE acceptance.. doing so ONLY forces more animosity.. you hit it ON THE HEAD.. that is human nature and you simply can not change human nature.. is there something wrong with me being more comfortable around people like me.. who eat the same foods as me.. like the same music.. etc.. this again is just personal choice that i should be free to make..

OC - even though a lot of your claims have truth behind them, there are still a ton of instances where minorities are actually treated differently base solely on their race. There ws this documentary about two friends, a white guy and a black guy, where they both went thro ugh the same scenarios in public . Prior to going out into the public, both of them thought they were treated pretty similarly ...until they filmed the differences. Some examples: the white guy was approved for the apartment, treated respectfully at the jewlery store, etc. the black was told they didn't have any vacancies and he was followed around the jewlery store in an aggressive manner. Both men worked at the same place, had similar schooling, made about the same amount of money - yet racism still occurs.

Also, your claims are way too general and also don't have any support to them - they just seem like your own opinioin. Just as an example

if i want help with school through special "funding"... im looking for a hand out..
if a non-white student needs help... thats normal due to the unfair nature of our society
"racism" exists due to stereotypes... stereotypes exist because in MANY cases they are true... if you just take a moment and look at criminal stats.. you will see that black on white crime is FAR more prevalent than white on black crime.. sadly people are being murdered, raped, robbed, etc.. and unfortunately these crimes in many cases are committed by non-whites ON whites..

just follow the statistics.. and then you tell me they are not supported..
# If recent incarceration rates remain unchanged, an estimated 1 of every 15 persons (6.6%) will serve time in a prison during their lifetime.

# Lifetime chances of a person going to prison are higher for

-- men (11.3%) than for women (1.8%)
-- blacks (18.6%) and Hispanics (10%) than for whites (3.4%)

# Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 17% of Hispanic males and 5.9% of white males.

In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.

What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.
its not like im making this s**t up.. and again.. does that mean that EVERY black person is a criminal or rapist.. NO of course not.. but you can not IGNORE facts..

let me ask you.. where would you PERSONALLY want to live.. in a middle income suburb? or a low income ghetto slum? when i was young a lot of my family lived in irish and italian neighborhoods in Philadelphia.. these were mostly white areas.. she would leave her door unlocked all night.. SAFELY.. fast forward ten years.. that same area is now a multicultural melting pot :roll: filled to the brim with diversity.. i would not walk down the street there without my gun.. and this all circles back to my original point.. and that is the fact that unfortunately non-white on white crime is RAMPANT... and has turned MANY once nice areas into drug infested war zones..and our society views it as a joke.. its no big deal.. but the second someone "white" crosses the line its world war three.. al sharpton is front and center calling for the firing and conviction of EVERYONE who so much as had a negative thought about someone non-white.. where is the white persons al sharpton.. where is the white persons naacp or la raza.. it doesnt exist.. we are not ALLOWED to have it.. and its complete bullshit..

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
how much more racist can you get?

if i want help with school through special "funding"... im looking for a hand out..
if a non-white student needs help... thats normal due to the unfair nature of our society

There are plenty of universities that let people in just because they are a "legacy" kid. that's also not fair, but it happens (and many of the legacy kids are super rich....and as a consequence most are from rich white families that have the blue blood. not all are white, but most).

Also, plenty of non-white people go to school without the help of special funding - just like plenty of white people get money from special funding. There are a ton of scholarships and funding for all types of people. Some are ethnicity based, but many aren't. Many are based on people who want to go into the computer science field (microsoft and HP have scholarships for those).
The point i was making is the following.. to make it really simple..

If you want to advance your own "people" and you are...
black - OK
latin american - OK
asian - OK
white - you are a racist piece of s**t

and that is the bullshit that burns me up..

Again, if we based financial aid on someone's income (instead of race), that would be more fair.

It's sad to me that:
1. People unjustly play the race card when race isn't the issue - this causes a backlash and increases racism
2. Since people see the racism card everywhere, many people scoff at racism, even though it is still a huge issue
3. Many people are immune to racism - we saw such hope and optimism during the civicl rights movement that we were striving for a society with less racism....while some overt racism is gone, there is still a lot of racism that is not's hidden and not always conscious. it still causes rifts and issues.
err...sorry for writing a book =)
trying to force people to think a certain way (end racism) is counterproductive, as you can not FORCE thought..


OG スバリスト
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i think that just shows that most white men do not prefer black women....


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i think that just shows that most white men do not prefer black women....
as well as i know you.. i am going to assume that a) you are kidding and b) you got more than that out of all i posted..


OG スバリスト
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as well as i know you.. i am going to assume that a) you are kidding and b) you got more than that out of all i posted..
lol aye, i'm being satirical... it's a busy day with two tough ass tests for me, so i'm not able to bring actual thoughtful discourse into this thread today. about to take the 2nd one now, wish me luck.


toaster oven
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I think we more agree than disagree, OC =)

I think if people loved their asian ethinicty, for example, and put something out there for that, that's ok - the same as if someone put something out for italians, french, etc. The hard thing is in America, we've homogenized the "white" ethnicities. Back in the day, Americans were prejudice against Italians and the Irish - they've managed to sucessfulyl assimilate into the generic "white american". They are the silent dominant group - dictating social structure, american culture, media, etc. Since Americans ump all the white ethinitices together, people tend to view them as "just white".

I totally agree with your statement about the suburb vs. slum....but that in itself is a bit misleading. i like to think about why people got there in the first place.... are they first generation immigrants, do they come from a broken home, etc. it's a vicisou cylce - people whose parents have to work two jobs in order to put food on the table end up neglecting and not watching their kids. i'm an advocate for afterschool programs and mentoring so that those kids get the chance to not be put in the same position as their parents. i try to see ohw people can get OUT of that situation.

Also, I won't even begin the argument about stats. lol. I think we still live in a highly prejudice and racist country - and I think a prejuudice society perpetuates and realizes sterotypes. ...that's toally another can of worms ;)

I think we just look at differenct perspective - totally appreciate your point of view. I think it's good to see all aspects.


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What am i going to do about it?

im going to sit down, take nice breath.. and then ask my self.

What am i going to do about it?

House Special

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inequality my ass...

if a black guy and his friends beat me up.. that is a "fight"
if my friends and i beat up a black guy.. that is a hate and bias crime

only in your lifetime

if i want help with school through special "funding"... im looking for a hand out..
if a non-white student needs help... thats normal due to the unfair nature of our society


if a white person robs someone... he is a degenerate criminal
if a black person does the same.. he is reaching out for help with his life struggle

again, circumstantial, depending which way the media slants it

if i rack up a stack of hospital bills.. i WILL pay EVERY cent..
if an ILLEGAL BORDER JUMPER does the same.. he will not pay a DIME


when a black politician disagrees with a white one.. he is standing up for the little people..
when the roles are reversed... the white politician is noted as a racist..

again, circumstantial, depending which way the media slants it

the list goes on and on and on... whites are CONSTANTLY mistreated.. be it government imposed hiring quotas.. or unfair media bias.. we are the bottom of the barrel in EVERY way... constantly given the shaft.. constantly made to feel sorry for being white... i mean for f**ks sake... i was watching the news last night.. and someone spray painted a swastika and they were interviewing people in the neighborhood.. and ALL of the white people were like RIDICULOUS in the reactions they gave.. the made such a HUGE point to denounce it.. like no s**t.. spraying painting s**t IS wrong.. end of story.. the message is irrelevant.. but they ALL had some lengthy "oh we dont raise our children in that way" yeah no s**t.. i dont thinks that you raise a bunch of militant skins who are running around terrorizing the area vandalizing property and killing people.. :roll: but the fact that you have to be SO over the top about defending yourself is f**king ridiculous..

there is only ONE way to end racism.. and ONLY one..

repeal EVERY law based on race... quotas.. hate crimes.. all that BULLSHIT.. because ALL that does is further segregate people..
I agree with you somewhat there. I believe there will still be hate crimes and all the more reason to pack heat which I think will spiral out of control.

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racism in the sense that people may choose to assume certain things based on race.. and or choose to associate with certain people based on race is not necessarily a bad thing.. it is simply a personal choice... ACTING in a negative way to OTHERS based on race IS a problem... but so is acting negatively even without race being a factor..

"if i beat you up because im drunk and being an a*****e" OR "if i beat you up because you are not white" is really the EXACT same thing.. i violated you and deserve to be punished.. making one more severe is stupid... the end result is the same...

this is exactly how i feel.. we were NOT there.. its easy to sit here safe.. behind our computers.. and say should have done this.. should have done that.... but these are split second decisions made... and when you don't know if a suspect has a weapon or not.. and they will not comply... sometimes you have to error on the side of caution..
OC is a victim of what they call "reverse racism". I'm not trying to be an ass but that's where you're coming from. And you're right, it aint right.

House Special

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Don't skip over the details, this is what is wrong with people now.


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i just want to take a second and commend a lot of you guys for thinking outside the box... i posted my heart felt feelings on the way this nation is and how i personally feel about it.. some of my opinions are blunt and MIGHT hurt or upset some people.. agree or disagree is YOUR right.. but i appreciate the time some of you put into discussing this with me..


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I agree with you somewhat there. I believe there will still be hate crimes and all the more reason to pack heat which I think will spiral out of control.
when you say its circumstantial you are right.. but dont be blind to society.. you and i both know (stats provided) black on white crime is FAR more common.. with that said.. when was the last time you heard of a black person charged with a hate crime.. EVER.. in your life.. i bet if you google REALLY hard you MIGHT find 10.. now imagine that in reverse.. and NOW factor in the far greater frequency at which blacks victimize whites.. NOW if you can still stand there with a straight face and tell me that the media is not slanted against whites.. i will stand there with a straight face and question your sincerity..


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inexcusable, cops are douche-bags regardless, especially the 1nse round where i live, they live to write teenagers tickets,
i was walkin with my friend lastyear and he threw a tennis ball at his friends car, and this of duty pig stoped juped outa his pickup and slamed my friend into his truck. f**king fags, they have bmw motorcycles for a city thats not even 5sq miles....


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Don't skip over the details, this is what is wrong with people now.
im not a robot for what the government says and for what the media tries to shape us into. And this is what this thread has come to what would happen if a black person did it to a white person so on an so forth. I was just saying yhe situation itself could have been dealt differently and i feel bad for the guy in the wheel chair.


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i mean honsetly what would it take for there to be actual change in this country, not a hand full of people. Sometimes you have to deal with how things are because its out of your power, but because of that im not going to ignorant of whats going on.
