Boosting 24/7 - Just a Question....

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Boost or Die
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elusivehomies said:
i had this same prob tell i just said f**k it and put wet noz on my car and it dont f**k nothing up and it's a extra 125 hp so i'm not even trip'n.
good god those movie's set the import world back by 10 years. :roll:


professional a*****e
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10+ Year Member
elusivehomies said:
i had this same prob tell i just said f**k it and put wet noz on my car and it dont f**k nothing up and it's a extra 125 hp so i'm not even trip'n.
nigga, wen i hiT my w3t naaawwzzzz, yO!, i dun trip mang, niggas dont kno what hit em. f**kin LIKE WEEEEEEEEEEEE =)
