CH33V5's Slow '99 EJ8 Build Thread


Registered VIP
It's been so nice, she's been out to play. =)

In some other news, today is my interview which determines if I get accepted to college, wish me luck!


Avi, pull your socks up.
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Registered OG
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10+ Year Member
^^ Purdyy.

And that's sad you're selling/you sold the silver car. It was clean.

And good luck! :thumbs up


Slow But Not Low
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Hope everything works out man


Forever avoiding potholes
5+ Year Member
And if not, come to Canada, where merely looking at a uni's website will grant you admission + 8 scholarships


Registered VIP
Woot! What college?
Keene State College bro! I got accepted to this program that's over the summer to get me in full time without having to apply the regular way haha. Cause without this program, I'd never get it. My high school GPA was bad and I never took the SAT's.


Registered VIP
So guys, little update on my life and what not since we last spoke.

I took the car down to Stamford CT to see Jerry Springer, which was the bomb! So fun everyone should go haha.

I did some work under the hood, found the cold air intake I bought forever ago under my bed, painted it, threw it in, and damn. World of difference with sound, especially when VTEC engages. Little bit of power difference too.


Thirsty Thursday I left my car at my dudes house on Blake St in my city. Blake is notorious for parties since that neighborhood is where all the offcampus kids live. Well when I can back, guess who had a dent literally stomped onto my hood!? This kid! The shoe print left was perfect. Some f**ker with a small Vans shoe. Me and my Stepdad got it out the best we could lastnight, and it looks pretty decent now. But now the imperfection bothers the s**t out of me and I wanna get a CF hood asap haha.


New Member
Registered VIP
that sucks about the hood man any way to find out who did it?
congrats on the college thing even though im a little late on it lol.


New Member
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5+ Year Member
i think its time you roll with someone to a party instead of taking your own cars, they always get abused by the intoxicated


New Member
Registered VIP
Congrats on college my man, it is a pain in the ass though ha. Lets see some pics of the rides mane!
