So guys, little update on my life and what not since we last spoke.
I took the car down to Stamford CT to see Jerry Springer, which was the bomb! So fun everyone should go haha.
I did some work under the hood, found the cold air intake I bought forever ago under my bed, painted it, threw it in, and damn. World of difference with sound, especially when VTEC engages. Little bit of power difference too.
Thirsty Thursday I left my car at my dudes house on Blake St in my city. Blake is notorious for parties since that neighborhood is where all the offcampus kids live. Well when I can back, guess who had a dent literally stomped onto my hood!? This kid! The shoe print left was perfect. Some f**ker with a small Vans shoe. Me and my Stepdad got it out the best we could lastnight, and it looks pretty decent now. But now the imperfection bothers the s**t out of me and I wanna get a CF hood asap haha.