Chaos's Christmas BuildUp

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hmm maybe thats why my friends turbo made funny sounds or because it was a ebay one.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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i took off the pipe that goes from the turbo compressor and checked for oil and found nothing (good sign of not a blown bearing)....also i checked the turbo to see if it would spin more freely (since the turbo had just been sitting around for more than a year or 2) and yes it does......oil makes a big difference spins so freely and clean im going to try to turn it up to 10psi today and see what it does =)

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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turned it up to 10psi and wow it pulls like a get the tires to break loose in a 2nd gear pull though so still not enough power for me lol......but its definately FASTER than b4......the turbo takes a sec to reach 10psi but once it does it pulls nicely !!! i also found my oil feed line has a leak where it connects into the turbo......i guess it got overtightened and now oil will spew all over the hood and on the right side of the engine bay after a hard pull......i stuck more tephlon tape and tightened as much as i can get it but it still spews a little i plan on either buying another fitting for the turbo.....or a new line....i guess ill find out which one is stripped out tomorrow once i check it......internal wastegate works pretty good boost spike or creep so thats good.....just a solid 10psi


4th Gen Civic Curator
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well..isnt this the first person with good grammar...jus can google up wire tucks....they have DIY's on there that are really good for wire tucks....i did a small one on the passenger side...looks cleaner...but still needs to be better! anywas man, just googling is your best bet..

hey chaos, what brand for pistons and rods would you think to be the best for ls?

Thanks a lot man! Really getting to enjoy this thread!

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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well i replaced the line with a spare braided oil line and it seems to be doing fine......i also put on my bumper finally so ill have pics later

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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and ofcourse the engine :

also made a b4 and after pic of my car lol

heres it about a month after i bought it (around 3 yrs ago):

and heres it today:

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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nope....found my top radiator hose had a leak so i replaced now it doesnt loose antifreeze anymore......if im on the highway it does fine , no overheating and such.....but once i come to a stop it will slowly i try not to drive it for a long long trips and for now its just driven around town .......


Formally Green 91
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you should either wrap the turbo down pipe, or high temp paint it.

btw, stock water temp gauges are known to be inaccurate

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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yea ill probably heat wrap the downpipe and thinking about buying a aftermarket temp gauge that way i can have a accurate reading


Formally Green 91
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get a good EGT and good water temp gauge


NA is Best
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nope....found my top radiator hose had a leak so i replaced now it doesnt loose antifreeze anymore......if im on the highway it does fine , no overheating and such.....but once i come to a stop it will slowly i try not to drive it for a long long trips and for now its just driven around town .......
my integra does the same thing every couple of months. then i fill the cooling system and bleed the air out. problem solved. im not sure where its leaking out.

im guessing you havent bleed the coolant and still have an air pocket somewhere.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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could be honestly....i guess ill try bleeding it and see what happens.....also figured out my radiator fan relay is bad so the radiator fan hasnt been kicking on.....maybe that could also be the problem.....


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So I see that you finally got it dynoed? Seems like a lot of torque for 10psi, did you already post up your sheet?

slowcivic E G

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also figured out my radiator fan relay is bad so the radiator fan hasnt been kicking on.....maybe that could also be the problem.....

that will definitely contribute to overheating while you're not moving.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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got some vids of me racing my buddys 03 civic lx stick.....

he started in 1rst..... i started in 2nd......started around 25....i stopped around 70-80

highway roll at 60 were both in 3rd.....for some reason my car takes a second to go.....idk it runs like s**t until its in boost lol.....and i also couldnt find 4th which is why it takes me a sec to catch him....i stop at around 115
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