^^^ there is another case of NOT hitting 14's. The greddy kit is fine, if thats exacty waht you want, mid range power. oh and tainted, itr swap cx hatchs (NOT rex's) are quick, very quick. stock itrs run a 14.6 in the 1/4 mile, now if i go by the 100lbs = .1 quicker, a cx hatch (2108 minus the 2369 of the itr) will be down in the 14.1 range. Now, the car my freind raced (friend of mine as well) has intake and exhaust, lets say he gets .1-.2 faster with some good street tires as well....thast high 13's......which it does run....13.9 to be exact...this is also after some weight reduction, he is a very very skilled driver (skip barber school ring a bell).
my point is, a kit that only costed 8-900 runs better and faster than the greddy kit...its been proven and witnessed.
Lanojp: im gonna try and use uberdata, if not then its hondata for me. ill be runing 10psi daily, possibly 12....remember this is on a tiny t25, which doesnt push as many cfm's as your typical t3/t4 does.
Neon _ice: correct, its a vortech 12:1 fmu. he used that for price factors and the fact he wanted to see what he could do with <1000 dollars. i dont promote the use of one, or the hack. get something like hondata or uberdata. the hack is what it is....a hack. i dont really want something on my car that is a HACK, so to say. plus the draw backs of a fmu is that it needs to play catch up with when going from vacuum to boost, so you have a lean hole, same with the hack.