Ebay Turbo Kits....


Formally Green 91
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lol you didnt know they where the same comapny?

if you order a manifold from SS, it has the XS badge welded on it


Spoolin single cam!
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Green 91 said:
lol you didnt know they where the same comapny?

if you order a manifold from SS, it has the XS badge welded on it
and if you look at the XSpower auctions, the seller is ssautochrome



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Green 91 said:
those are the kits where talkign about, XS power/SSautochrome, since there both basicly the same company
What kind of horsepower do you think you can get out of those kits?


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Not trying to hijack this thread but, when would a 60-1(t3/super.70) start to spool up on a b18b?


High Speed
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Its like a ebay header, some people swear buy it others had problems with it.


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it actually doesn't look that bad. I not sure about the turbo tho. the manifold looks like a drag mani. just pick up a drag dump and dp or have one fabbed. I don't see a dp or dump in that pic so... as for the guy who's car caught fire because he had no dump, thats just dumb. wastegate exhaust gas will melt just about anything in its path. the kit also comes w/ a 3" catback. granted its bottlenecked at the front, but you can easily get that fixed. don't use a restrictor w/ that turbo if you do decide to use it and make sure you crank the engine several times without turning it to get some oil flowing. gl.


damn, i'm cool.
5+ Year Member
anybody know where i can find a b series turbo mani with a dsm turbo flange beside ssautochrome
