Finished routing vacuum lines found out i have a small vacuum leak i just can't determine exact location it may be from my intake manifold gasket is my thinking. I did my own smoke test with a few cigarettes. Its raining out right now but will take some pics later i need to zip tie few things up.
got new plug wires today some ngk blue with lifetime warranty *yes* now if i can actually keep the receipt lol. Found out earlier today as i was having problems starting the car and keeping it running that one of my plug wires was only halfway on the distributor and i decided i needed some new ones anyways. I'm wondering how much better these will be.
drove her around a little today to test everything out and all seems to be in order. Did not have my phone with me maybe video today..... Plug wires looks nice in her though.
I love NGK compared to any other aftermarket wires, especially because they fit a lot more snug on the dizzy. I have had mine for 2.5 years and none of them have worked their way loose.
They fit snug, alright. I actually had the damn inner clip pull off the plug wire n the boot when I tried to change my distributor cap! Was a b***h to try and get that back on the end of the wire. All in all, though, really good wires
Nope you are correct. I plan on swapping those out and wiring in some other gages. I always forget they are there. I may get another boost gauge there.
Yeah lol I need to get it actually welded up however I am looking at going 3in soon and will be having it go into my exhaust instead of open atmosphere.