Ok time for some pics
Finally here is for emerican
Have another problem need to fix but post it in turbo thread
If I may make some suggestions:
If you haven't already done so, pick up a vacuum block! Golden Eagle and Blox make them (the blox ones are nice because they are anodized in a ton of color options). Mount that sucker along the firewall, main line to the brake booster, and that way you can very easily tuck the rest of your vacuum lines, and avoid using T splitters as much as possible. Also, I would pick up the brass T splitters. It's not that big a deal, but I had a plastic T splitter melt because it was sitting close to the head. Also, if you buy an excess of rubber tubing for your vacuum lines, you can run it along the frame and even into your fender wells to tuck it. Use the pre-cut exit points in the fenders to come out, and just run it along the frame when possible. It looks really nice that way.
As far as your dump tube, DEFINITELY go closed loop! I did, and it made a big difference in sound. My dump tube was venting right underneath my block for a while. I'd floor it, and it'd be loud as hell, as well as stink like exhaust. Once I closed the loop, it was really quiet, and I noticed a slight gain in torque (probably due to equal exhaust pressure on exit? Not sure).