Well, me, my girlfriend, and my buddy went out dirtbiking at a track outside the city yesterday... it was fairly windy, so later on in the day, I hit a jump a little faster than I should have.. the wind started to push me, so as I was coming down, I put my foot down, so when my bike landed, I could turn the bike towards the middle of the jump, not the edge, where the wind had pushed me. as soon as my foot hit the ground, I got a massive pain in my knee... it hurt like HELL, so I rode to the bottom of the jump, and just couldnt take the pain anymore, so I fell off the bike, and layed there until my girlfriend and a couple other people seen me and stopped. My buddy drove his truck across the track, to come pick me up, but I couldnt move my leg at all, so there was no way I was getting in the truck. my girlfriend went and called the ambulance, so I got taken to the towns hospital, where they x-ray'd me and whatnot, and discovered I cracked the bone in my knee. So now, I pretty much screwed up the rest of my riding season, and am in a leg cast, and pretty damned useless haha.
r0yal, did you really take that pic? looks great, almost like it's not even photography. looks very much like a painting. if you did take it yourself then nice work.
The white one is my dog, and the other one, is my girlfriends moms dog, who is visiting for awhile, my girlfriend and her mom left to go out for abit, so my dog was waiting, looking out the window for them to return, and the other dog was sleeping, so I felt it would be a great shot, the only light source was the light from outside, I then did alot of work in photoshop to get the painting look to it glad you like it. thanks
John, do you use any programs for blueprinting? Lately I've been designing a custom home for us in my head, and it looks great up there but I lack the skills of illustrating it so we can get a good preview of what it'll be like in real life