rob is a cocky little baster considering he is a new guy
lol...couldnt agree more....but facebook killed our forumf**k facebook.
CC till the world blow!
same here, except my time was spent in the photography and midwest sections....both of which just poof gone type s**tCouldn't agree more.
I would leave CC since 95% of my time spent on CC is in off-topic but I'm always home and don't go out much so I surf the internet a lot. I wouldn't have anything else to do . I should get a 2nd job again.
rob is a cocky little baster considering he is a new guy
exactly...but i still like giving him s**t. an its not like im sayin bye for good good. maybe in a few years when the site picks back up ill be back on as a regular poster. but till then my time on here is goin to be non exsistant. pretty much after today....Rob has every right to give his input, regardless of the year he joined or his post count. And honestly, he made good points. You want to leave the site? Go for it dude. The site doesn't revolve around you. You don't have to give us 2 weeks notice before leaving. You are not under contract to stay on the site for a certain amount of time. If you say you are leaving, don't flame the guy who says "Good, go."
exactly what im hoping to see...Not tryna be a smart ass but im a noob and i really tried learning as much as i could before asking, hell I even bought these 2 books off amazon, not sure if theyll help yet lol
Anyway all im trying to say is that there is hope yet and maybe next time you check in some of us new idiots will have kicked a lil more life into this b***h