That blows,i'm getting burned out today.. phone doesnt stop ringing.. lunch isnt for another half hour and i'm already starving.
this job is hella inbalanced. its either stupid busy or completely dead
Fraud FTW
My name is sheila,am the owner of sheilasstore.and i have a stores in republic of ireland , but i reside in united state,presently am in ireland ,i want to know if you can ship via USPS(UNITED STATE POSTAL SERVICE)Post Office. to 97,Applewood mainstreet, swords, co.dublin. Ireland . And also want to knowv if you accept payment through credit card. kindly get back to me concerning this enquiry so that i can choose the items which i wanted to order and forward them to you for price quote including shipping cost to ireland via usps.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards.