first of all, thank you jeff for the pics, snazzy! we need better one's no? maybe spring break... maybe whenever. let me kno when u got some time, i'll do the same. right not studying for GRE test ownz me.Originally posted by 2kstreetcivic
something for you Civic Betty, well till we can get some pictures of our car together...and I have more time...
second of all, yes it's a little scary cutting the bumper up, but i'm sure jeff can back me up here: the oem fog light housing (the grey plastic part) really covers a lot. the cut doesn't even have to be clean on the bumper (although us anal people kno it does). it's really nearly retard-proof because it completely covers the hole and then some. i hadn't done any previous body work before i installed my fogs either, but when they were in, you still got somewhere near a centemeter or two of coverage between the holes you drill and the edge of the housing!
love these babies. definitely recommend to anyone even considering getting fogs for their civic. really simple procedure too, besides looking awesome. instructions are included and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure them out (pics included). it's a honda, people... snap on snap off, couldn't get much easier.
third of all, justin back away, back slowly away. you don't want none o that. betty's getting jealous, and she's lowered....