Mexicans wanting work...

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Futuwwa said:
so it is illegal to get a better life? Anyways i find it funny, though if i was one of the mexicans i would took that guys truck instead :twisted:

no its not illegal to get a better life BUT u dont have to break the LAW to do so....To be honest I wished illegalls would effin leave....its costing the state of cali way too much money....instead of my tax dollars being used for real problems...I paying for an illegal to have free medical, dental, housing ( some cases), schooling....try and pull that s**t off in any other country....I dont have a problem wth immigrants and ppl who want better but do it the right way legally

nice vid


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x007den said:
:thumbdown: for this racist video
:werd: .


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yah man that was perty bad but dam it was funny as hell and wow they ran soooo fast lol


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racerx661 said:
its costing the state of cali way too much money....instead of my tax dollars being used for real problems...I paying for an illegal to have free medical, dental, housing ( some cases), schooling


CC'S Longest Running Noob
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"They're good at working and having babies" omg. That was soo racist, but soooo funny. I nearly wet myself. Freaking awesome.


1993 Civic DX hatchback
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Wow i can't believe he showed his face on that vid, well anyways that was pretty funny in a cruel way. You all should really see how bad it's getting to be down here, after the hurricane ivan they all came from texas and stayed!, they won't go away. I just look at them like a joke they're so annoying, in groups speakin spanish, sometimes f**kin with people and of course randomly stealin at almost every store in town esp* I feel like punchin em in the head sometimes they piss me off so bad.

$lick Rick

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JDM_B18c said:
I dont see the humor on that video.. just racist ..
i found the humor in taking the illegals to the ins building priceless

but going over the speed bumps and that guy... i wanted to punch that f**ker out.....

if they cut out the racist remarks and speedbumps it would have been funnier imo

f**k people like chris rock and dave chapelle are 100x more racist and they're millionaires because of it ;)

$lick Rick

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JDM_B18c said:
would u rather them be stealing cars .. or trying to earn a buck?
i'd rather they remained in mexico or became actuall us citizens.... rather than illegal leaches on parts of the us economy...

i know many honest and hard working legal mexican imigrants who would gladly kick those illegals asses if they had the chance ;)


Show Me Them Titties
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the funnier video is gonna be the next one when they beat the s**t out of him and dump him at the cemetery, except he wont be running anywhere


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Im not mexican but i highly doubt it other mexicans can careless if they are here illigally :idea:

$lick Rick

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JDM_B18c said:
Im not mexican but i highly doubt it other mexicans can careless if they are here illigally :idea:
the ones that worked their asses off to become legal functional members of society that i know are very pissed about illegals... not only do they cost tax payers hundreds of milliions of dollars each year, but they also give a bad name to the ones that came to the us the one and only proper way...

if you dont view it as a problem... you're either in denial or just ignorant of the situation


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Contender25 said:
Wow i can't believe he showed his face on that vid, well anyways that was pretty funny in a cruel way. You all should really see how bad it's getting to be down here, after the hurricane ivan they all came from texas and stayed!, they won't go away. I just look at them like a joke they're so annoying, in groups speakin spanish, sometimes f**kin with people and of course randomly stealin at almost every store in town esp* I feel like punchin em in the head sometimes they piss me off so bad.
:twocents: I think the reason they showed his face is because the vid is a fake. Maybe he hired the mojows to make this short film. It's funny as hell, but in a cruel way. As a Tejano all I can say is that I've expierenced more racism fom mexicans from mexico than from any other race. Just today some dumbass mojow was all mad dogging me and s**t. All I did was drive in a public street in front of his house, I guess my hatch intimdated him or sumthin :roll: For some reason they think that they're better than us cause they were born in mexico, and we speak a different dialect of spanish than they do. I'm glad me and all my family were born here in the U.S. My family's been in Texas since Texas was mexico. If I was born in mexico I'd probably be rockin a minivan or a 92 lincoln contenintal with my last name in old english on the rear windshield. fukin woodies


Your mom's boyfriend
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Wow, so this thread just keeps going despite 2 mods and other members saying it is racist... and yet some jokes that I posted showing Irish pride get not closed, but completely DELETED after 1 day?

That's some BS right there.

$lick Rick

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Wolfy said:
Wow, so this thread just keeps going despite 2 mods and other members saying it is racist... and yet some jokes that I posted showing Irish pride get not closed, but completely DELETED after 1 day?

That's some BS right there.
i didnt delete the irish pride thread, and taking the same action here

9. The golden forum rule: "if you don't like it, don't click it"
follow that and we'll all be fine ;)
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Damm, this is wrong i mean i am a mexican and i was born in mexico and i live in mexico , but i have been to the states a lot , like miami , california , NY, utah , las vegas, san francisco and washington DC. i am very pissed off cause some americans are ignorant about the illegal mexicans that cross the border; thee americans become racist like if they were a better people , better workers or whatever , i mean those really poor guys just want a better income to send to their families in mexico , the thing is that they dont get the green card cause they simply dont have any papers even ther birth certificates because sometimes in the villages were they were born there is no control about this so how would this people have any documents??? , not because they did something bad ......

The pay here for the farmers or whatever is just s**t really is s**t i mean to earn like a dollar for an hour? how can you survive with that kind of sallary? its just wrong , thats why they go over the border to work in America to earn a little more to substain their families here in mexico , i think its just stupid to do that to people that have not even bother anyone , i see a a total lack of education , intelligence and common scense , its really disapointing because i have a lot of american friends in the states and they are really people with quality .... that guy its just an idiot that does not know what to do with his patetic life than bother some poor mexicans. calling them beaners an s**t like that , f**k that really.
i really dont want those mexicans to find that guy because he is gona get beaten very very bad indeed well f**k all the racist and Hello to all those with education and common sense.

Hèctor Alonso Morales Ibarra



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that was a f**ked up video for being fake all that acting between the all those guys sucked but the message was racist ,. there are some that are good and some that are bad. some of those guys that do sit in those groups are trying to becoming US citizens.

$lick Rick

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jdmcivicsilver said:
some of those guys that do sit in those groups are trying to becoming US citizens.
if that's true, they are going about it the wrong way.....


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I think its really hard to get green card
the only ways I know
1) there is world wide lottery the winnners of which get green card
2) marry US citizen
3) be born in USA
4) if u are PhD or some famous athlete, artist etc
5) become a refugee

if it was easy to immigrate to US my family would do so
that's why we came to Canada
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