Damm, this is wrong i mean i am a mexican and i was born in mexico and i live in mexico , but i have been to the states a lot , like miami , california , NY, utah , las vegas, san francisco and washington DC. i am very pissed off cause some americans are ignorant about the illegal mexicans that cross the border; thee americans become racist like if they were a better people , better workers or whatever , i mean those really poor guys just want a better income to send to their families in mexico , the thing is that they dont get the green card cause they simply dont have any papers even ther birth certificates because sometimes in the villages were they were born there is no control about this so how would this people have any documents??? , not because they did something bad ......
The pay here for the farmers or whatever is just s**t really is s**t i mean to earn like a dollar for an hour? how can you survive with that kind of sallary? its just wrong , thats why they go over the border to work in America to earn a little more to substain their families here in mexico , i think its just stupid to do that to people that have not even bother anyone , i see a a total lack of education , intelligence and common scense , its really disapointing because i have a lot of american friends in the states and they are really people with quality .... that guy its just an idiot that does not know what to do with his patetic life than bother some poor mexicans. calling them beaners an s**t like that , f**k that really.
i really dont want those mexicans to find that guy because he is gona get beaten very very bad indeed well f**k all the racist and Hello to all those with education and common sense.
Hèctor Alonso Morales Ibarra