My 95 Civic Coupe.

95 modified

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its a good clean start. Nice upgrade on the exhaust system from the headers out to the exhaust. I like the center caps on the stock rims. :lol:


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clean civic man.. keep up the good work! =] yu should get tein S-tech lowering springs =] is not a big of a drop.. but it will be perfect as a daily driver (is just a sugestion..) all up 2 you


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So once I got the gaskets in, it was time to clean the engine bay, a job I ended up being completely unprepared for. Here's the story:

First off, some more pics of the oily carnage.

I sprayed some foaming engine degreaser on there and went at it with a wire brush. But it was hard for me to reach into most of the crevices, and I couldn't access anything with the hose.

As you can see, it didn't do much. But I was running out of time. Also, I stepped on a bee while barefoot. However, I still had a problem. How was I going to rinse the engine cleaner off without a hose? Luckily, I found a solution:

And here's the "final result"

Stay tuned! More to come later today.


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^^ It sure is.

Anyway, on with the saga of my weekend.

The next day, realizing I wasn't going to get very far on my own, I roped my friend into dragging his GTI out to the car wash. It was hot as hell, and the AC wasn't on at my house, so I was pretty happy to get out and get a bit wet.

Jason's car needed a wash anyway.

That's me.

Pulled my car into the bay.

Scrubbin it down. Not pictured is the main reason I came, namely hitting the engine with the pressure washer.

Spotted this IS F. Figured I'd share.

More to come at another time.


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Here's more!

After the wash, we spent an hour or so polishing, vacuuming, etc.

So much better!



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Let's not forget the original reason I came out.

So much better!

I took the air filter off to clean it too. Took forever to dry, until we hit it with the vacuum. I'd have been stuck for a while if Jason hadn't thought of that.


One parting shot. I took this at the end of the night while dropping a DVD off at Blockbuster.


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Mods, thanks for moving the thread.

So today, even though it was incredibly hot out, I attempted to paint my exterior trim and windshield wiper arms. They were looking a little weathered.

I used a set of vinyl trim remover tools to pop off the side trim. They work great without scratching the paint. The only problem is that they're a bit too soft, and they get softer in the heat.

Had to remove the inside door panels to get at the exterior door trim. Note the pen I found inside the door panel. I'm surprised that wasn't rattling around in there.

The other thing I had to do to take off the door trim is remove this bolt. Didn't turn out to be very difficult. As soon as I put a socket wrench on it and applied just the slightest amount of force, it broke completely. Now I know why the driver's side one was missing. WTF?

Everything off!

The wiper arms got a coat of regular-ass spray enamel that I found in the basement. The rubber trim got Krylon Fusion.

My neighbor parked his car outside.

So now I have to get at least one new window trim piece. I basically broke all the clips on one side. Oh well. It was learning experience. Much like the painting. It's not as bad as the first time I had sex. At least the window trim is not on it's period. Anyways, I've said too much.

It's hard to see the improvement... I think it looks a lot better though. You may also notice that I somehow decided it would be a good idea to use 100-grit sandpaper on the rubber trim before I painted it. Wow I amaze myself.

The wiper arms definitely look a lot better.

So that's what I have to show for myself. Slightly improved trim, another reason to go to the junkyard, and sunburn all over my back. Also my balls were so sweaty that it felt like there was Astro Glide on them. Awesome afternoon if I do say so myself.

One last thing. I'm getting money together for wheels, so I'm trying to figure out what color would look good with my car.

I'm thinking dark grey, bronze, or regular-ass silver. Any opinions?


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In other news, I broke the clips on the passenger side window trim. When I reinstalled it, there were holes exposed along the top of the door. I didn't think anything of it until yesterday right before a big storm hit, when I realized it was about to be raining inside my door.

I grabbed a roll of tape and dashed out the door. This is the result.

Yeah, that's how I roll.


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Yeah so I post a lot of random updates in this thread. Keeps me motivated to continue working on the car.

I took her out for an emissions inspection Tuesday. Here's the result...

This sucks. Check out the legal limit compared to where I am. I guess the first thing I'm going to have to do is check the timing.


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This happened about a week ago. Really not sure how or why. The mounting tab on my rear bumper seems to have broken off. It won't stay on.

I have some ideas on how I might fix it (Glue) but I'm looking for better suggestions. Anyone?



D-Series Soldier
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Glue might be the best, what truck is that in the background, its ugly!!!...


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It some kind of dumped Chevy. Had lambo doors and everything lol. It has the headlights of the new Chevys but I think they might have been swapped on.


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Yesterday, after the rain stopped, the weather was cooler than it had been for a very long time, so I ventured outside to change my oil. Long overdue job. I also changed my valve cover gasket. The new gaskets did not solve the problem. Hopefully this will.

You can see the oil back on the block. There's not as much as before, but there's still definitely more than there should be.

I think this is where the oil was leaking from. Note how the last gasket I installed a year ago didn't fit right and I ended up having to use gasket sealer on it. In retrospect this was a bad idea.

Adjustin' stuff

3.5 quarts of Mobil 1, a new filter, and a degreased engine block later, I'm good to go. hope this one doesn't leak...

Now I just need to figure out what caused me to fail my emissions test so badly, fix the rear bumper, and get some trim for that passenger side, and I'll be... Right back where I started.


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Yesterday, after the rain stopped, the weather was cooler than it had been for a very long time, so I ventured outside to change my oil. Long overdue job. I also changed my valve cover gasket. The new gaskets did not solve the problem. Hopefully this will.

You can see the oil back on the block. There's not as much as before, but there's still definitely more than there should be.

I think this is where the oil was leaking from. Note how the last gasket I installed a year ago didn't fit right and I ended up having to use gasket sealer on it. In retrospect this was a bad idea.

Adjustin' stuff

3.5 quarts of Mobil 1, a new filter, and a degreased engine block later, I'm good to go. hope this one doesn't leak...

Now I just need to figure out what caused me to fail my emissions test so badly, fix the rear bumper, and get some trim for that passenger side, and I'll be... Right back where I started.
