thanks for some of the positive comments. just gotta be careful of that crankwalk. just because it's an eclipse doesn't mean that it has a sexual gender. becuase girls like it more then some guys doesn't mean anything either to me. actually on the DSMtuners site there are more guys with these cars then girls. and jeez i thought you guys were better then that. thats quite the example to be setting for other members, and i never bashed you ever, nor did i ever bash your cars, but because one member makes a completely unnecessary comment gives me every right to stand up for myself and doesn't mean that everyone should start a bash riot... But i could care less what everyone thinks. I don't come to this forum anymore and i guess thats a good thing now since everyone thinks i'm a complete fag based on the car that i drive, but before i go i should tell everyone that it could always be worse, there are way gayer looking cars that i could've gotten, but didn't. And i thinks it's awesome for you to just shove off an old member just because he doesn't have his civic anymore and went a different route. you guys have fun keeping members like that, just because it won't happen. Later