NOLAcivic's Daily friendly EJ8 build.


Well I decided to give the duplicolor perfect match a try on the EM1 grill bezel and I think it turned out well. Looks pretty good for a rattle can job and some prep work. I could probably do the lip and side skirts but the can really doesn't last long and it takes a bunch of clear coat. Probably going to order some paint and spray it with my gun instead. For small parts it will work if you prep well but for me I'd rather just use a gun or bring it to a shop. On to the pics.

I'm please in the fact it's paint in a can and I didn't have to clean guns after.


Bought my brothers old motor and almost have all my parts for the swap. Converting to OBD1 in the process. It's a 'poor man type r'. My brother built this one about 2,500 miles ago.

I picked up what was supposed to be an ITR transmission but turned out to be GS-R w/ a Quaife LSD. I could tell right off the bat it was an aftermarket diff. by the way it looked when looking through the case. I took it apart and counted the teeth on the gears and sure enough, it was GS-R. The seller said, he assumed ITR b/c he saw a LSD and the JH4DC2 code that was on the case vin number. From what I read, The code would be JH4DC231 and only "31" for ITR. Anyway, after it's all said and done. I'm getting a B16 with a bad case but good internals alone with the GSR that I have now for $800. I walk away with a LSD for free practically. Plan is to build a B16 with Quaife LSD and add my LS 5th gear. Then take the GS-R and pair that with the GS-R open diff. I have laying around and have stock open diff. GS-R transmission.

Poor Man Type R.
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Welding a turbo drain on my Integra's oil pan.
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Welp this happened tonight. Lady ran a red light and hit my car. Everyone was fine but car is totaled for sure. She denied running red-light and officer didn't give a ticket. Going to talk to a lawyer and see what I can do bc I don't have full coverage on this car. Trying to see if there is surveillance video in the area. I need proof she ran the light bc there were no witnesses. Sort of sux bc this is my daily driver. Going to try and find a hatch or possibly an EM1. 20160521_224558.jpg 20160521_224539.jpg


Hey man . I was reading your thread and admiring how clean and neat your ride was shame to see the car totalled . Hope you end up getting compensated for it all the best.


Thanks man. Yeah I hope there is some way to get this worked out. It sux when someone doing the right thing get screwed for it. Just happy I didn't have my family in the car.


Welp this happened tonight. Lady ran a red light and hit my car. Everyone was fine but car is totaled for sure. She denied running red-light and officer didn't give a ticket. Going to talk to a lawyer and see what I can do bc I don't have full coverage on this car. Trying to see if there is surveillance video in the area. I need proof she ran the light bc there were no witnesses. Sort of sux bc this is my daily driver. Going to try and find a hatch or possibly an EM1. View attachment 27845 View attachment 27846
Sorry to hear about the car dude. Atleast everyone was safe.


I had a Civic once.
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:( Glad everyone was ok. Hopefully you get reimbursed.


Thanks everyone! Good news. There was video from a nearby store. Got her running the light and hitting me. Police report was changed and just waiting for it to process and go to her insurance.

Even better news is that I found a 99 HX coupe in silver for $800.. Still rums and drove it an hour home after buying. So I'm happy to say the project continues.

I swapped all of my interior including dash and carpet into the new car. I just couldn't let such clean interior go to the junk yard. I went ahead and swapped the HVAC too since I know it was good. Redid the foam strip around the vents and blower while it was out..Best of all I get a set of hx wheels. Next will be to throw the Teins back on a d lower control arms. Go get some tint.

Once I get reimbursed from insurance I should be able to get the car painted. 20160610_141930.jpg 20160610_141941.jpg 20160611_150859.jpg



Awesome news man . Can't wait to see how the silver one looks once your done =) I'm glad it all worked out for you keep us posted .


Thanks guys. Yeah the interior was to nice to let it go to waste. I swapped everything in the inside to the new car. Carpet to HVAC system. The only thing I left in the other car was the headliner b/c it for a sunroof and I don't have that now. I'm looking to see how hard it is to swap the cruise control over to the new car.
