Official WoW (world of warcraft) thread

Mr. Lin

Admiral Ackbar
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CTMod -
Scrolling Combat Text (sct) -
TitanBar -
LootLink -
Atlas -
CombatStats -
CooldownCount - (although I think Blizzard has built this into the interface now, but dl it anyways)
EquipCompare -
SpellAlert - (vital for rogues and warriors who use kick and shield bash to disrupt casting)

that's about it. the others are mainly for my rogues and my hunter. energywatch, stunwatch, wpn quickswap, simpletranq, etc.


Welcome my son....
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Thanks for the list Lin.... :ok:

Played with the cow-man for a while then kinda got bored after doing a few quests and getting annoyed... So I made another character, an Undead Warlock..... I want my Voidwalker damnit.... :lol:


Welcome my son....
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Why thank you Senor OG.... :lol:

More then likely hit 10 with him tonight, hopefully hit 29 with Cow-Man...

Mr. Lin

Admiral Ackbar
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u should really focus on one guy, get him geared-out and then work on alts. a.d.d. is a b***h tho...


Welcome my son....
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I'm completely stricken by gaming ADD.... If I have to farm or stay in one place for too long then I get bored and want to stray.... :lol:

Edit: Where I sit now...
42Steps said:
Kul Tiras (PvE)
Kipan (Tauren Warrior 29 ) <- Main Character
DirtHorn (Tauren Shamn 8 )
Pheidias (Undead Warlock 12 ) <- Tertiary
Arktasm (Troll Priest 7)

Maelstrom (PvP)
Kipan (Human Paladin 16) <- Secondary
Mimori (Human Rogue 9)
Treelaki (N Elf Druid 5)
Last edited:

Mr. Lin

Admiral Ackbar
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Thirdary... hahaha
pst, it's tertiary

edit: int on your warrior? I should smack joo.
please tell me you picked those up off a trash mob and not via the ah.

also, here are some other characters I play:
Clorox - 60 Gnome Mage -
Tide - 42 Troll Mage -
Alexa - 32 Human Paladin -
Poekinsmom - 60 NightElf Warrior -
Drogar - 52 Undead Warrior -


Welcome my son....
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Mr. Lin said:
Thirdary... hahaha
pst, it's tertiary

edit: int on your warrior? I should smack joo.
please tell me you picked those up off a trash mob and not via the ah.
Duely noted on the tertiary.....

And yeah, it was a drop, slightly better then my old ones so went ahead and used them....

Trust me, I'm not stupid enough to buy something like that..... :lol:

Mr. Lin

Admiral Ackbar
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interesting... I think you bought them cuz they're lvl 29 req and that would mean you'd have to kill a lvl 34ish mob for them to drop... and at 29... killing a 34 is damn near impossible.


Welcome my son....
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Grouping my good friend.... Grouping... ;)

Edit: Oh, and it was a 32 elite... 8)


OG スバリスト
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everyone knows that grouping > soloing... and i don't even play WoW


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I ran Warsong twice tonight and then wait a good hour for the third time, and guess what.... I get disconnected... :cussing:

Oh well, I will hopefully be rank 1 when they calculate now.... 8)
Especially if I keep going the next couple days with the BGs.... ;)


is cool
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Well, I just played WoW for the first time today. I went to a friends house and he had it installed. I created my account and I was playing it for a long ass time. I have one question though. how do I speak to everybody around me? like ask a question to everybody if i'm in one certain camp or something?


Welcome my son....
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Shogun said:
Well, I just played WoW for the first time today. I went to a friends house and he had it installed. I created my account and I was playing it for a long ass time. I have one question though. how do I speak to everybody around me? like ask a question to everybody if i'm in one certain camp or something?
Use the "general" chat line..... Usually it will be automatically set to /1.... So just type /1 then space and what you want to say....

/1 I got blisters on me fingers...


is cool
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
ok, thanks. I got to level 4 within 1 hour so I though I was doing pretty good. I'm going over to his house tomorrow and i'm gonna play it all day and all night so hopefully i'll get to around level 10 or something. BTW, i'm a tauren shaman


Welcome my son....
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You should DEF hit 10 if you play that long....

I can hit ten in 2 hours.... :lol:
The trick is to do quests as much as you can... They are the easiest xp....


is cool
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5+ Year Member
42Steps said:
You should DEF hit 10 if you play that long....

I can hit ten in 2 hours.... :lol:
The trick is to do quests as much as you can... They are the easiest xp....
i've already done 3 quests. That game is gonna take a long time to learn everything


Welcome my son....
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Well compared to other MMOs the learning curve really isn't that high, but yes, it will still take you a while to get used to it...

But after that, biggidy bam, you're good to go....

Oh, and my favorite shortcut is if you hold shift while you right click on a corpse to gather your earnings you auto pick up everything.... Works the same way with gathering proffesions.... Speeds it up quite a bit.... ;)
