If it's a first car, I would agree with the others on getting a stock ride first, and then doing the upgrades as you progress. You can almost always expect problems with some one else's projects, and there is a lot of work to be done on that car to get it to be a good daily driver for you.
I don't say this without having done this myself. I have a daily driver civic that I have had new since 98 and it's been a great car till now. I am doing the same swap on it next week. When it's done, it will have power steering and AC and still be my daily driver. There's nothing worse then having to fix some one else's mistakes!
So don't take it to heart when people tell you to stay away from a highly modified used car that your really do not know a lot about and your taking some one else's word on it. I've never met an honest used car sales man. So, take your time and look for a solid car that you can build on. Good luck man!