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Ive look online, and most people do not know the answer to this, they talk out of there ass. If you know a cop, ask him for me because thats the only way we could get the facts. It has to be a cop from California.
It took me 2 seconds to find the vehicle code for california.
"2804. A member of the California Highway Patrol upon reasonable belief that any vehicle is being operated in violation of any provisions of this code or is in such unsafe condition as to endanger any person, may require the driver of the vehicle to stop and submit to an inspection of the vehicle, and its equipment, license plates, and registration card."
This means that it is under the discretion of the officer as to weather your car has probable cause for inspection or not. So yes, they have legal right under the California vehicle code to search your vehicle if they think it is worthy.
With California's strict CARB laws, they can search if they think you are in violation of that, which you are.