Real Job
No Frills supermarket customer service. Locally owned grocery store. Has its ups and downs. Wages are fitting for a 19 year old college student working a part (but full time hours) time job. I sell cigarettes, lotto, dry cleaning, refunds, calls, complaints, exchanges, tons of s**t. #1 retailer of Lotto in Nebraska, so its busy a lot.
Perks = I listen to music I want, entertain myself by drawing and texting all the time, can watch TV and s**t so I watch news which is good for me, sports etc, and just blast punk music to scare people. Only 4 people are custoemr service. Me, my roomate Brandon (Carlton585 on here with the white EJ8 turbo coupe), a friend Nick who works at a tattoo shop also and is as amazing and crude as me when it comes to musical taste and vulgarity, and an older lady.
Downsides = corner of town so lots of people from the little farming communities come in for groceries, and thats 90% of our business, which happens to be stupid f**k rednecks who ALWAYS ask stupid s**t like about my ear rings, since I don't look normal, and are tightwads and want refunds when s**t is 10 cents too much, but that's expected from everyone, because people suck.
Because its locally owned, they're kind of tightasses as well, like district managers come in all the time, and the guy that owns the company, and he's an old piece of s**t money hungry jew (literally) and fires people on the spot for doing stuff wrong. They make stupid decisions because its all Nebraska dumbfucks running it who think they know whats going on, like giving us $5 store coupons for christmas bonuses.
I will continue there until I find something better.
Not a job, yet, hopefully
Photos. I get paid in weird amounts randomly for doing photos, based on talking to someone about what it is, etc. I've gotten cash for shooting a wedding, many cars, events, etc. I've traded goods for doing senior photos for someone, other stuff like that. I love photos, I want to do this.