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Survivin life
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
im sorry i needed them to say lil' red dx again lol sorry bro but ill use them on here and they need to be 19.5k at most! thx


4 Doors For More Whores
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anyone up to making me a new winterized sig? TIY!



CC's Grandma =p
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Think someone could throw something together for moi?



Survivin life
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
need mine redone but with a different name "lil' red dx" on it instead of ricedout and needs to be 19.5k in size thx


Formally Green 91
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Snaild16 said:
link doest work bro, jus goes to the main page and doesnt have ur pics..
your current signiture is to large


New Member
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how is it to big? dimensions have to be 500 x 100 right? well mines 500 x 97... plz explain why its big?

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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look at the size of it....its like 61k.....its only supposed to be up to 35k max.....


Formally Green 91
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Snaild16 said:
how is it to big? dimensions have to be 500 x 100 right? well mines 500 x 97... plz explain why its big?
please read the forum rules

10. We understand that people like to express their creativity by having signature images using snippets of their car, and or various other images. In fact there are even many threads in our photography area discussing how to make them or even members offering to make them for you. The only thing we ask is that you refrain from including anything not work-safe, and that you keep it limited to one image sized 500 X 100 (or smaller) (no larger than 35k). We also ask that you limit your avatar size to 100 X 100 (no larger than 14.6k), failure to do so will result in it being removed without a warning.
so when you mkae signitures or avatars, please adbide by these guidlines.
im usually a nice guy and let people know before having it removed, to give them a chane to change it
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New Member
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5+ Year Member
honestly i dont get the 61k size stuff, i just set the dimensions to 500 x 100 and go from there..sry
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