Soon2bsick Vtec


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woo what a long day!

Few things to update

Pic from yesterday to start us off,

Got all the wiring ran and semi-tucked for both amplifiers and the speakers going to them :D
Tomorrow because of a change in plans (will talk about in a sec) I think I am going to get started on installing the amplifiers and subwoofer into their places and hearing the sub for the first time :D but we'll see how it goes.


got the front springs on, I didn't tell you kids this because I knew I would hear it alll dayyy "THOSE ARE NOT LOW ENOUGH" but I got the H Techs and NOT the S techs.

Now moving on,

Got the front two springs on and my dad put the car down on the ground as I was moving things out of my trunk to pull the carpet to start on the back springs and he told me to come have a look and after looking at the car I realized the stance looked pretty dang good. You can tell the difference in tire tuck with the new springs in other words you can tell it's higher, but you can BARELY tell the front end is higher than the rear.

before it sat a little butt high, but now it is nearly uniform. So we're thinking that once the front springs settle in a few days its going to sit dang near level.

I told my dad I wanted to wait and see over the next few days how it looks, I would hate to go through all the crap of replacing the springs just to have it sit all butt high. I wanted the front higher, and thats exactly what I have and it looks better now. So we'll see how it goes, If they settle and look good I am just going to have tein H techs up front and neuspeed race springs in the back lol

According to specifications my drop would be 1.3 F 1.75 - 2.0 R

So I doubt I can sell the neuspeed fronts with the H tech backs unless I can find someone that wants a 2.0 F 1.1 R drop

but I'd rather like my drop than have the money

anddd by not having to do the rears thats one less thing to take up time which means one step closer to being done (for a while haha)


Frame Bangin
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you shouldnt have a problem selling them, the will give a car rake.

Im not sure why you would want your front higher, people tend to try to do the opposite


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I think you misunderstood, I didn't want the front higher than the back, I just wanted the front higher off the ground is all so I wouldn't scrape in my driveway.

Before my back end was up higher so now it looks like it's going to sit level once the springs settle

To Do:
install side skirts (Tomorrow)
change motor oil (Tomorrow)
change tranny oil (Tomorrow)
paint car
paint rims
put my console back together
manual wire my radar detector
install front speakers
install two amplifiers
install subwoofer

Done did:

install springs
get a new battery
install console cover
install shift boot cover
Run Audio Wires
remove window tint (Almost)


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whew long day

Got quite a bit done today

Got the tranny fluid changed (Honda MTF)
and got the filter and motor oil changed to royal purple

Somehow we ended up not doing the side skirts and spending the whole day installing the audio equipment instead lol

Got a video of the sub running for the first time, I was told since its 10 years old this sub might take a few more days/weeks to get broken in, I didn't know subs even needed breaking in time until I became a member of audio forums. It was pretty cool turning this thing on for the first time and knowing it had been sitting in it's pretty little manufacturers box for a decade and I get to be the first to let it flex.

I have to say I am pretty impressed with the sub considering it is over 200 watts under powered (plan to get a bigger amplifier afterI get a job)

Unfortunately because of the mic on my video camera you can't hear any type of blur from the bass only hits so I'm gonna use my cheap camera later to do another video so you can actually hear the bass lol

[YOUTUBE="10 year old SUB making it's debut in the sickvic"]KGH6LTnnMeo[/YOUTUBE]

The rattles will hopefully be gone this week if I can get to the store to mat the trunk
Have to tune the amp tomorrow, just got too tired to do it today


To Do:
install side skirts (Tomorrow)
paint car
paint rims
put my console back together
manual wire my radar detector
install front speakers

Done did:

install two amplifiers
install subwoofer
change motor oil
change tranny oil
install springs
get a new battery
install console cover
install shift boot cover
Run Audio Wires
remove window tint (Almost)


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made a vid with the cheesey amp lights on
used my cheapo camera, can hear the bass at the end but had to keep the volume down cause the neighbors have babies.

I love this sub, can't wait til I get it tuned in right.

Best PART about tonight was finding out that my head lights are NOT dimming. BIG 3 makes a difference

[YOUTUBE="amp lights at night"]O8daXbOJkRY[/YOUTUBE]

I have no front speakers right now, waiting on my new pair (Friday :D ) so it sounds weird sitting in the drivers seat but the back sounds good lol


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Todays Adventure

Side skirts on

Hood Cleaned

Hood Painting

Hood Painted

Finished Product

need more stickers.

To Do:
paint car
paint rims
put my console back together
manual wire my radar detector
install front speakers

Done did:

install two amplifiers
install subwoofer
change motor oil
change tranny oil
install springs
get a new battery
install console cover
install shift boot cover
Run Audio Wires
remove window tint
install side skirts


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Finally got my tag transferred today, decided to take it to the gas station. 6 mile drive and it's been on E for a month lol but we made it. $15 gave me almost half a tank ($3.83 Gallon)

Couldn't believe how fat it looked next to it's older red sibling

theres some kind of metal on metal sound going on in the left front wheel, gotta pull it off and see whats going on

tomorrow, we paint


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Love the hood man! what color are you gonna paint it? im sure you've said it before somewhere but im too lazy to look back hah


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thanks man, I've painted it satin black. It didn't come out perfect but it looks a lot better than it did. There are some areas that need wet sanded, as expected

sneak peaks



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watching paint dry is like..... watching paint dry.

Can't get my new headlights on until I find new bulb sockets and order wire harnesses
can't get my new tail lights on until tomorrow cause I need to get some sealant for them first

also painting my rims and getting my new lugs on in the morning and finishing putting my interior back in and wiring my fuzz buster thennnnn getting tint done at 1



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got my interior put back in, love the feel of the password jdm shift knob.Definitely makes a difference having a weighted knob

getting up early and going to get stuff for the tail lights and need a 2amp fuse for my radar detector fuse tap.


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Dude, I know how you feel about watching paint dry haha. You just wanna get those coats on so you can get it over with, but it takes forever for the paint to dry. haha. Are you using actual HLVP guns or spray cans?


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used a gravity fed HVLP, worked well until the compressor pooped out on us.

She didn't come out perfect because of the compressor dying, but looks a lot better than it did. I think we're going to sand it down in a month or so and respray it, I'm happy with it though. We've come a long way

After Paint dried

Had two hours this morning to get the wheels painted (and dried), new lugs on, fuse wire ran for radar detector, relocating the shift light, get panels put back in, install bmw spoiler, install tow hook, put new air filter on and get the tail lights in. I barely got a minute to breathe

and after that I took it and got the windows tinted, Gonna get the sunroof done next week

Right now I am waiting on my new speakers to get here, hoping UPS comes before the rain does. Just got in from matting the trunk now just gotta do the tag cause it's rattling when the bass hits.

Have to get back under the car in the morning and tighten that heat shield AGAIN. I need to figure out a way to fix it where it won't come loose again.


tell me what you guys think


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I'll get some good pics of it tomorrow, camera battery was dead today

P.S. after all that work raising the front up I still managed to scrape the front lip coming out of mcdonalds lol no harm though


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my speakers finally came in, got them hooked up to the amp and tuned and it sounds so much better.


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how much for the tint? and doesnt look too bad, like you said after a wet sand and a couple more coats and your good to go.
